Do you want to use a PHP-based framework for your next project? If that’s the case, then you should try Laravel. Here you’ll learn why developers are in favor of Laravel and how much it’ll cost you to hire developers specializing in it.

Several PHP-based frameworks are available these days that you can use to build powerful web apps, such as CodeIgniter, Yii, Symfony, and more.

However, most business owners who know a thing or two about PHP frameworks prefer to hire laravel developers. They do it because they recognize it as the best PHP framework based on MVC for various kinds of projects associated with web development.

Laravel boasts of having the features and systems needed to make an extremely complicated web development procedure as easy, fast, and effective as possible.

Now, you wish to find out how much it would cost you to work with Laravel developers. Before getting into it, however, you should take a look at this framework and learn why it’s so popular among companies all over the world.

About Laravel

So, what is Laravel anyway? It’s a free-to-use, open-source framework for web development created by Taylor Otwell. PHP is at the base of Laravel and it shares a close connection with Symfony.

Laravel comes with a collection of resources and tools. That’s why it facilitates the most common chores of development, including caching, authentication, sessions, routing, etc.

These abilities of Laravel allow developers to prioritize developing features suitable for your business.

The fame of Laravel

At this point, every business owner unaware of Laravel or its capabilities will ask why they should hire laravel developers. It’s quite natural, especially when you consider the fact that there are many other PHP-based frameworks available.

Well, the following pieces of statistical data may clarify things for you.

  • Based on Google Trends, Laravel is the only PHP-type framework that influenced all the other frameworks.
  • At the moment, Laravel occupies about 0.37% of the entire share of the market amongst every other framework available.
  • About 678,633 active websites are already there in the world of the web created by developers using Laravel.
  • Laravel has earned 63.3 stars at GitHub, which is higher than every other PHP framework.

statistical data OF frame of laravel - Moon Technolabs

Developers choose Laravel to build popular websites. One example worth mentioning is called “Barchart,” a financial online portal having 3.7 million users. 

Another web platform designed using Laravel is called “Allison.” It’s an online education solution with more than 20 million users.

It’s safe to say that Laravel is at the top among all the PHP frameworks available in the market right now.

The reasons

You shouldn’t hesitate to hire a dedicated laravel developer because the framework brings multiple robust features with it. These features gave Laravel the popularity it enjoys today.

Community support

For starters, Laravel is an open-source framework. Unlike most other PHP-based frameworks, this one doesn’t have a hefty price tag. It also receives extensive community support, which makes it a developer-friendly framework.

Blade Template Engine

The Blade Template Engine of Laravel doesn’t prevent developers from relying on regular PHP code to build web applications.

In simple terms, developers can tailor what you seek based on the requirements of your project while making the development process as flexible as possible.


As you already know, Laravel is a PHP-based MVC framework that bestows clarity upon the presentation layers, as well as business logic. Basically, MVC augments the performance standards and security.


The framework of Laravel comes with several inbuilt object-oriented libraries entailing a collection of features for developers. With these features, developers ensure the entire development process reaches completion seamlessly.


ORM or Eloquent ORM, as developers like to call it, gives them a simple ActiveRecord implementation that aids in communicating with databases.

It lets developers write queries for the database using PHP syntax while eliminating the necessity of knowing SQL for database modification.

Where to look for developers

As already mentioned above, there are two options for you to explore. It should be clear to you that each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.


The first option incorporates hiring dedicated development experts from an app development outsourcing agency. It should be your choice if you expect ongoing support, post-development support, superfast development, and the highest quality.

Also Read: Which Version Of Laravel Can Facilitate Faster Development?

The advantages

  • Training isn’t necessary
  • Various models of engagement to explore and choose from
  • Better efficiency in terms of performance
  • Most cost-effective than working with freelancers
  • Suitable for large-scale, complicated projects

The disadvantages

  • Not suitable for small, short-term development projects.


If you’re going to build a simple, run-of-the-mill digital solution, you can think about bringing one or more freelancers onboard. You should search for freelancers on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.

Freelancers of software development services in the USA - Moon Technolabs

The advantages

  • Perfect for small projects
  • Finding freelancers should be easy due to the presence of platforms like Fiverr and Upwork

The disadvantages

  • Freelancers don’t possess enterprise-level expertise
  • They may miss deadlines or make changes to the same
  • They may even compromise the quality of the work delivered
  • They usually charge a lot of money for ongoing support and maintenance.

The average cost of hiring

Specialstis of software development services in the USA should be available at $29/hour. Then again, the rates can differ from one country to another or one company to another.

Developers in North America working with Moon Technolabs will ask for $29 to $100/hour. In South America, it can drop down to $20 to $50/hour. Companies operating in Asia, however, charge the lowest. You’ll only need to pay anywhere between $18 and $40/hour.

Final words

Laravel is a framework packed with numerous features. These features work together to simplify the task of the providers of software development services in the USA. Thanks to the massive community of Laravel developers, finding the best service providers shouldn’t be a challenge.

However, you must make sure to take your time to research development agencies before hiring one. The same goes for freelancers if you plan to work with them on a short-term project.



What influences the cost of hiring Laravel specialists?

Several factors dictate the cost of working with Laravel specialists. These include the hiring engagement model, project scope, the location of the agency, and its experience.


How much does it cost to hire Laravel experts in Europe?

Some of the best Laravel developers operate in Europe. To hire them, you must pay anywhere between $21 and $66/hour.


Why hire developers from the USA?

If you expect the highest standards in terms of quality and professionalism, you should hire developers from the USA. Of course, you’ll also find such developers in Asia, Australia, Europe, and even Africa.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.