Intellectual property

Using our services doesn't give you responsibility for protected innovation rights in our services or the substance you access. You may not utilize content from our services except if expressly allowed in composed by us. These terms don't allow you the option to utilize any marking, logos and substance utilized in our services. Try not to eliminate, dark, or modify any legitimate notification shown in or alongside our services.

Regarding your usage of the services, we may send you service declarations, regulatory messages, and other data. You may quit a portion of those correspondences.

Constraint of damages

Moon Technolabs (also, any of our officials, chiefs, representatives, accomplices, suppliers, members and specialists) will not be obligated for any harms at all emerging from your usage of the website and its services and expectations, and the client will repay us (and our officials, chiefs, workers, accomplices, suppliers, subsidiaries and operators), and hold every one of them innocuous from and against any costs, harms or misfortunes by any of them (counting, without impediment, sensible lawyers' expenses) because of a case by any individual other than client emerging from your usage of the services or the expectations.

As, the usage of this website is totally willful and started by you, by buying into any services you consent to expect any risk of the activities. No results from any such activity will be held as our duty in any way at all.

The constraint of liability

In no occasion will Moon Technolabs be obligated to you for aberrant, general, unique, accidental, weighty, excellent or different harms, including, without impediment, harms for loss of benefits, business interference, debasement of documents, loss of business data or some other financial misfortune, regardless of whether Moon Technolabs has been instructed concerning the chance of such harms. You will accept the whole expenses of all the important support, any fix this from the usage of this website and the Internet.

You consent to hold innocuous and reimburse us against any obligation for any cases and costs, including lawyer charges, identifying with infringement of the terms and conditions and for harms including:

  • Reliance on any data distributed on the website.
  • Mistake or any erroneous conclusion in money related data.
  • Oversight or cancellation of data.
  • Interference is services.

By no means (counting carelessness) will we be mindful and at risk for any immediate, backhanded, coincidental, uncommon, noteworthy or correctional harms emerging out of usage of the website or powerlessness to utilize the website.

We will not have any risk or obligation regarding any blunders or exclusions in the substance, either literary or monetary, of the website.


You will reimburse and hold Moon Technolabs its chiefs, officials, workers members, operators, licensors innocuous concerning any suits or claims emerging out of your break of this arrangement, including yet not restricted to, any encroachment by you of the copyright or protected innovation privileges of any outsider. Your usage or abuse of this website.

You will reimburse "Moon Technolabs Private Limited” and hold us innocuous from any harm to our business, service, hardware, organization, activities or notoriety coming about because of your activities, including however not restricted to any govt. activities, destructive incidents or other counter and any cases of slander, unreasonable rivalry, the encroachment of any patent, copyright, brand name, service mark or other protected innovation rights, infringement of security or other misdeeds. Since we don't and can't be engaged with client-to-client dealings or control the conduct of members on our websites, if you have a debate with at least one clients, you discharge the organization (and our operators and workers) from cases, requests and harms (real and weighty, immediate and aberrant) of each sort and nature, known and obscure, suspected and unsuspected, unveiled and undisclosed, emerging out of or in any capacity associated with such questions.

Security, copyright protection and trademarks

Moon Technolabs' security approaches clarify how we treat your own information and ensure your protection when you utilize our services. By using our services, you concur that Moon Technolabs can utilize such information as per our privacy policy.
