Summary: Are you puzzled between Svelte & Vue, and not able to decide on the right JavaScript framework for your next web app development project? The post explaining Vue vs Svelte aims to help you overcome confusion and lets you decide the right option between these two frameworks by comparing them based on plenty of factors.

User interface (UI) can increase the conversion rate of apps up to 200% and thus ensure the success of any web app. To create a UI, you need to have a robust JavaScript frontend framework. Svelte and Vue are one of the high-rated JavaScript front-end frameworks that are used to create outstanding user interfaces.

Indeed both frameworks have gained equal popularity among developers for delivering outstanding user experiences. So, there’s a possibility you may be perplexed with Svelte and Vue while choosing the right frameworks between them.

Here, the debate on the comparison of Svelte vs VueJS will focus on various strengths and weaknesses of both frameworks to help you understand the right one for your business.

What is Svelte?

Svelte is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks that help designers create a simple and efficient user interface while ensuring small and fast run-time code.

Being a modern framework, it’s different from traditional frameworks in terms of compiling components during development and also the production of well-optimized JavaScript at build time. This approach works well and removes the necessity for a client-side framework since the general code is lightweight.

Svelte comes with declarative syntax that makes it convenient to build a highly interactive web app even without sacrificing its performance. The framework earned vast popularity for ensuring a developer-friendly workflow with an optimized runtime performance.

Features of Svelte

Svelte is available with numerous unique & distinct features that distinguish it from other frameworks and also cause its widespread acceptance. Let’s get an overview of some of its high-rated features:

  • Zero Runtime Overhead
  • Svelte doesn’t rely on client-side libraries when it comes to the interpretation and execution of code. Rather, it focuses on compiling time for much of the work, which leads to a small and fully optimized bundle that doesn’t need any hefty runtime library in the browser. This approach causes a more lightweight app with a quick loading time.

  • Reactive Declarations
  • Svelte comes with a reactive programming paradigm that includes the capability of simplifying state management and also offers a seamless flow of data throughout the app. In this framework, variables act as reactive, which means any changes to these can be updated immediately in the related portions of the user interface.

  • Component-Based Architecture
  • Component-based architecture is another powerful feature of Svelte, which allows developers to divide apps into reusable and modular components, which include behavior, structure, etc.

    These components make it easy for developers to scale and manage even complex apps easily. It’s available with a clean syntax for defining various components, which makes it fully accessible regardless of their skill level.

  • Efficient DOM Updates
  • Svelte doesn’t rely on virtual DOM. Instead, the framework compiles multiple components into a fully optimized JavaScript code that can update the DOM directly. It provides fast rendering with minimized memory consumption as it removes the necessity of maintaining a separate virtual DOM tree.

What is Vue?

Vue is another highly popular JavaScript framework that is used most commonly for crafting UI. It focuses on both flexibility & simplicity of the UI and facilitates developers to create a robust, dynamic, and interactive web app smoothly. It includes various libraries that are highly adaptable and perfect for all sizes of projects be they small or large-scale projects.

Vue includes a reactive data binding system that ensures seamless synchronization between the view & the model and improves workflow development. The framework is also packed with features like component-based architecture that encourages both reusability & modularization and also promotes efficient code organization.

Features of Vue

Vue.js is available with a wide range of features that make it the most preferred choice among the majority of developers. Let’s discuss some of the top features one by one to help you understand in-depth:

  • Declarative Rendering and Two-Way Binding
  • With a declarative approach, Vue allows designers to create a simple and intuitive UI. The framework lets developers explain the desired outcomes and takes care of the underlying logic. Two-way data binding is another great feature that brings the possibility of automatic updating of the underlying data with any change in the user interface.

  • Component-Based Architecture
  • Component-based architecture is another top feature of this framework, which gives developers the ability to break down their apps into reusable and small components. These components are associated with each other and promote a properly organized structure even for complex apps.

  • Vue Directives for Effortless DOM Manipulation
  • Vue is available with a set of directives that gives liberty to developers to perform DOM manipulation by putting less effort and also higher efficiency. Being a special token in the markup, directives instruct the library to perform something to DOM elements. Directives make it possible to control the DOM structure and also handle dynamic content conveniently.

  • Vuex State Management for Centralized Data
  • When it comes to state management, it’s one of the important aspects of developing complex apps. Vuex state management offers a fully centralized store for the state of applications, which makes it convenient to update and manage data across multiple components. Developers can leverage clear state management patterns to maintain a scalable and also consistent structure for apps.

Svelte Vs Vue – The Key Difference

Both Svelte & Vue have a unique set of features and thus gained equal popularity among developers for creating a simple & interactive UI. Let’s find out some of the major differences between these frameworks:

1. Syntax

  • Svelte
  • Svelte comes with intuitive and minimalistic syntax. It ensures resemblances of HTML and JavaScript closely, which makes it convenient for developers to learn and utilize. The framework favors a declarative style, where code represents ‘what’ needs to be done instead of ‘how’ it should be done.

    The framework includes various components written with a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript through a single file, which improves code maintainability and reliability.

  • Vue
  • Vue includes a template-based syntax that separates the script, template, and styles in a single file. The template syntax is the same as HTML, which makes it fully accessible to developers who possess enough experience in HTML and JavaScript.

    Apart from this, the reactive system of Vue enables developers to declaratively express the UI based on the underlying data. The syntax of Vue is highly approachable and developer-friendly, which provides a perfect balance between structure and flexibility.

2. Architecture

  • Svelte
  • Svelte includes a completely different approach when it comes to developing web apps, compared to traditional frameworks. As mentioned, it shifts heavy lifting to compile time rather than sending a framework library to the client.

    During the development process, the framework makes conversion of components into fully optimized JavaScript that can function properly in the browser. This kind of approach leads to bundle sizes since the framework code is removed and the generated code is based on the specific requirements of components. It minimizes the complications in run time and thus ensures higher efficiency of applications.

  • Vue
  • Vue comes with the ability to adopt modern features as per the needs. It functions at runtime and depends mainly on a virtual DOM with a higher efficiency when it comes to updating the actual DOM.

    The architecture of this JavaScript framework consists of a reactivity system that can easily track dependencies between different components. Based on this, it updates the DOM. Since the runtime approach of this framework is more traditional, it offers a completely familiar development experience for those accustomed to other frameworks including Angular or React.

3. Performance

  • Svelte
  • The compile time approach of Svelte is a leading factor that contributes directly to its impressive performance gains. During the app development process, the framework does code optimization, which yields smaller bundles that are fast to download and can execute easily in the browser.

    Since the runtime framework is not present, it minimizes the overhead expenses and thus boosts the overall runtime performance of the app. The reactive system of this framework is fine-tuned perfectly to update the DOM with a higher efficiency, which ensures only necessary changes can be implemented. It makes Svelte a perfect option for performance-oriented applications.

  • Vue
  • The runtime approach of the Vue framework is optimized well for smooth updates with the help of virtual DOM. However, it’s not capable of matching the performance level of Svelte. But, you can still expect a good performance of this framework. With Vue3, developers can enjoy more control over components’ logic and optimize the performance further.

    Apart from this, Vue’s reactive system ensures better updating of components whenever it becomes necessary while reducing unnecessary re-renders and also improves overall app speed.

    4. Learning Curve

    • Svelte
    • Svelte is a popular framework for having a simple learning curve – thanks to its approachable design and minimalist syntax. Developers who possess higher proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can adapt the framework quickly and thus can develop applications hassle-free.

      Svelte lets developers get a smooth and straightforward development experience during the build process.

    • Vue
    • The learning curve of Vue is relatively moderate, especially for those developers who have experience in front-end development. Those who have worked with HTML are already aware of template-based syntax.

      Apart from this, the documentation of this framework is quite easy even for beginners to understand, which provides multiple resources for learning and gaining huge expertise in leveraging Vue for developing web applications.

      5. Ecosystem and Community

      • Svelte
      • As a relatively new entrant in the front-end ecosystem, Svelte has a smaller community compared to Vue. Meanwhile, it has earned traction fast, and also its simplicity entices those developers seeking a streamlined option.

        The ecosystem of the framework is expanding consistently with the availability of various tools and libraries to improve development. The Sveltekit framework has also earned vast popularity for creating web apps.

      • Vue
      • Vue has an established and also mature community – the credit goes to its long presence in the front-end development landscape. The framework is rich with several plugins, libraries, and also several tools that serve a range of needs.

        It has extensive community support that makes Vue a perfect choice for enterprise-level and also large projects. Its community contributes actively to the development of this framework, which ensures constant updates and improvements.

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        Svelte vs Vue – Pros and Cons

        Of course, Svelte and Vue have their strengths & weaknesses and ensure the best performance. Let’s explore an in-depth overview of their pros and cons to understand how they are different from each other and thus help you make the right choice for your project.




        Bundle Size Svelte has small bundle sizes Vue has larger bundle sizes
        Learning Curve Svelte has an easy learning curve Vue has a moderate learning curve
        Syntax Svelte includes minimalistic and reactive statements Vue includes declarative templates with directives
        Performance Svelte is outstanding due to compile-time optimizations Vue is an excellent choice for runtime optimization
        Developer Experience It’s less boilerplate and simplified It requires comprehensive tools and a highly matured ecosystem.
        Community Support It has a smaller and growing community It has a larger community

        Vue vs Svelte: When to Choose What?

        Both Svelte and Vue.js have their advantages & disadvantages in building web applications. So, you need to be aware of the same to choose the right framework for the right scenarios.

        If you are looking to develop a small and fast application, you can opt for Svelte and hire a Svelte native development company. Whether you wish to handle a small or medium-range project, you can consider using Svelte for its absence of runtime library and simplicity.

        On the other hand, if you want to develop a large app, you need to leverage Vue.js., which has great flexibility and also a comprehensive ecosystem. And you can hire a Vuejs development company. The framework is best suited for extensive feature sets and scalability in large and complex apps.

        Which Framework Best Fits your Business?

        The selection of the right framework for your business depends on core needs and objectives. While searching for the best frameworks, you will come across many options like – Svelte & Vue. Well, both frameworks witnessed their fast-growing uses and popularity. So, you can go for either of these two based on several factors.

        It can be the best choice for those businesses that aim to provide performance-oriented apps that can run smoothly even on less powerful devices and slow networks. Svelte attributes like ease of use and simplicity make it one of the top choices among startups with small teams and limited resources.

        Quite the contrary, Vue is known for its higher flexibility and is the right fit for situations where existing projects require various incremental updates or when collaboration among large development teams becomes necessary.

        The framework comes with a components-based architecture and also has a fully defined ecosystem that can make the development process easy, which makes it the best choice for businesses that have diverse skill sets among many developers.

        So, when you decide the best choice between Svelte and Vue, you should consider many other crucial factors including team expertise, project size, performance requirements, and more.

        You can opt for Svelte if you focus on simplicity, fast development, and higher performance, If you necessitate flexibility, an easy learning curve, and a vast community, you may opt for Vue.js. While selecting the framework, you should also consider the expertise level and skill set of your team and make the final selection accordingly.


        So, the above debate of Svelte vs Vue performance clearly explains that both frameworks are available with various strengths along with certain limitations. So, to choose the right one between Svelte and Vue, you should first set your priorities and also decide the best features that are crucial for your web application development process.

        If you still face any confusion and are not able to decide on the right framework for your business, you can get in touch with a professional web development company that possesses expertise in leveraging both frameworks. They will analyze your core requirements and objectives and suggest you the best framework.



Do any companies use Svelte?

Yes, many popular companies use Svelte for web application development. Some of them are Spotify, The New York Times, Square, and others.


Is Apple using Svelte?

Yes, Apple uses Svelte for Apple Music. Besides, Apple uses this framework to rewrite its web client.


Is Svelte easier than Angular?

Yes, Svelte is much easier than Angular due to its more straightforward and also simplicity approach to developing web apps. While Angular has the steepest learning curve and is also a complex step, Svelte makes the development process simple by shifting the heavy lifting from the client to the development process.


Does Svelte have a future?

Svelte has a more promising future since it has gained complete traction in web app development. Svelte is known for its small bundle sizes and also higher efficiency and offers a unique approach by shifting framework work to compile time. Its improved performance and simplicity entices developers to streamline projects.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.