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Navigating the decision between Fargate and EC2 and determining the most cost-effective solution can pose a challenge for many. The debate surrounding AWS Fargate Vs EC2 often leaves individuals grappling with uncertainties due to a lack of clarity.

In this blog, we embark on a journey to illuminate the intricate pricing structures of both EC2 and Fargate. Our goal is to equip you with the insights necessary to select the optimal choice for your needs confidently.

If you are in search of a reliable brand offering world-class cloud computing services, you have a chance to come across none other than Amazon. It currently dominates the cloud market with a 33% market share.

Most businesses nowadays frequently opt for AWS services that are available with the two most popular computing services, such as Fargate and EC2. So, businesses seeking to use either of the options have a common question – which is cheaper between these two? It brought the debate of Fargate vs EC2 pricing into the limelight.

Let’s talk about the detailed pricing structure of both Fargate and EC2 and uncover the facts of EC2 vs Fargate pricing. It helps you know the cheapest and the right option for businesses

What is Fargate?

Introduced by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Fargate is a serverless compute engine that is designed mainly for simplifying the deployment of containers. Developers can use it to focus on creating and running containerized apps.

Fargate lets users determine the memory and CPU requirements for their containers. AWS is concerned with handling various tasks such as scaling, provisioning, and managing the overall infrastructure.

It prevents users from managing virtual servers, thus minimizing operational overhead and enabling quick development cycles. Fargate supports a wide range of container orchestration platforms, including Kubernetes and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). It offers the required scalability and flexibility for a range of app workloads.

What are the Main Benefits of Fargate?

Fargate lets organizations simplify their overall container workflows, enhance agility, and thus boost innovation while minimizing operation workloads. It also helps developers to handle the development process effortlessly. Let’s understand some of the most prominent advantages of Fargate:

Easy to Use

As mentioned, Fargate is capable of handling most of the infrastructure management tasks. It allows developers to focus only on deploying containerized applications. It also helps them manage applications most effectively.

By using Fargate, developers can eliminate worry about patching, server provisioning, or cluster management. It makes it convenient to deploy apps at scale.


Another advantage of Fargate is it provides a seamless scalability. It has the capability to adjust computing resources automatically to accommodate fluctuations in-app traffic and workload demands.

An app with a higher scalability can handle the sudden increase in traffic even without any manual intervention. It ensures a higher availability and also performance.

Resource Isolation

You need to keep in mind every Fargate task takes place in its isolated environment. It ensures proper resource isolation. It also reduces the overall risk of resource contention or interference between different containers. The isolation improves app reliability and also performance.


Fargate offers completely built-in security features like secure networking, isolation of containers, and encryption at rest and in transit. With the use of AWS Identity Access Management (IAM), users find it easy to determine granular access controls and permissions. It improves the security of containerized apps.

AWS Fargate Cost and Pricing Structure

It’s quite essential to get complete details about AWS Application Development, along with service pricing, which also helps in both resource allocation and effective budgeting. As far as the AWS Fargate pricing model is concerned, it’s something based on multiple resources used by your containers, such as memory and CPU.

In the pricing model, users need to pay per second. It follows a pay-as-you-go model that provides a surety that users need to pay only for those resources they use. That’s the reason why it is considered to be cost-effective for different workloads.

As mentioned above, Fargate’s pricing model mainly includes two major components: memory and CPU. However, it varies based on different AWS regions and also relies on the actual size of containers. Users get several container sizes to select from to match their app requirements, and the final price adjusts accordingly.

Apart from this, users also need to pay for various other resources associated with their containers, including storage, networking, and other additional services or features.

To determine the actual Fargate cost with accuracy, one can use AWS Pricing Calculator or AWS Cost Explorer. It helps them predict the overall expenses according to their expected container configuration and usage.

How To Reduce Costs in AWS Fargate?

In order to minimize the cost in AWS Fargate, you need to first optimize your resource allocation properly.

You can select the most appropriate size of containers by adjusting memory allocation and CPU based on your actual usage and also to avoid over-provisioning.

It’s apt to utilize spot instances for those with several unnecessary workloads to get an advantage from reduced pricing.

Besides, you can also consider implementing various cost-saving measures, including auto-scaling, to adjust resources dynamically according to demand dynamically. It works effectively for the prevention of unnecessary spending even during the low traffic phase.

You can also use AWS Saving Plans or AWS Cost Explorer for predictable workloads to secure discounted rates.

What is EC2?

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service that enables the user to rent virtual servers on which they can run their apps. EC2 is a high-grade solution that can be scaled up or down according to demand.

It thus provides a higher flexibility and also ensures cost-effectiveness. It lets users get full control of their instances, which includes the choice of operating system, configuration, and also instance type.

EC2 provides a range of instance types optimized for different use cases, such as memory-intensive apps, general-purpose computing, and high-performance computing.

It allows users to leverage several features, such as load balancing and also auto-scaling, to manage their resources efficiently and ensure higher availability of their apps.

What are the Main Benefits of EC2?

EC2 is available with a myriad of benefits. That’s why it’s considered to be a good option when it comes to cloud computing infrastructure. Let’s have a look at some of the major benefits of EC2:

Higher Flexibility

One of the major advantages of EC2 is its unparalleled flexibility. Users have the liberty to select from a range of instance types, each optimized to support various workloads.

These instance types cater to different needs, including memory-intensive apps, general-purpose computing, or high-performance computing.

This kind of flexibility enables businesses to choose the most appropriate configuration for their specific requirements, which ensures resource utilization and optimal performance.


Scalability is another great benefit of EC2. It facilitates users scaling up or down various computing resources according to demand. The scalability is specifically advantageous for businesses that have a fluctuating workload or are experiencing fast growth. It enables businesses to adapt to the changing requirements even without any interruption to their operations.


The credit goes to the pay-as-you-go pricing model of EC2 to make it a cost-effective option. It reflects users’ need to pay only for various computing resources they utilize, even without any upfront investments or also long-term commitments.

Apart from this, the pricing of EC2 is fully competitive and also makes it a fabulous choice for businesses seeking to optimize their IT expenditure.

Highly Reliable

Reliability is one of the greatest advantages of EC2. Amazon has a powerful infrastructure that ensures higher availability and fault tolerance, which minimizes the risk of downtime and also ensures various uninterrupted services for users.

EC2 is available with a Service Level Agreement (SLA) that guarantees a certain level of availability. It offers great peace of mind to businesses that rely on its infrastructure for their important workloads.

Ancillary Services

EC2 provides a variety of ancillary features and services that improve its usability and also functionality. It’s available with a feature like auto-scaling that can automatically adjust various EC2 instances according to various predefined conditions.

It also integrates with several other AWS services, including Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) & Elastic Load Balancing (ELB).

EC2 Cost and Pricing Structure

For a proper optimization of resource utilization and also managing expenses, it’s pivotal to have an in-depth understanding of EC2 and the complete pricing structure. EC2 cost depends on multiple factors such as region, instance type, usage duration, and also various additional services like data transfer and storage.

The cost may go up and down according to the availability and demand. AWS provides multiple pricing models when it comes to managing different workload requirements and also budget considerations.

Several on-demand instances facilitate users for paying compute capacity by the second hour or hour, even without any long-term commitments or upfront fees. The pricing model offers complete scalability and flexibility, which makes it the most appropriate choice for short-term projects or unpredictable workloads.

When compared to On-Demand pricing, Reserved Instances (RIs) emerged as a cost-saving option with discounted rates for long-term commitment. RI needs an upfront payment or also an increasing hourly rate. But, it can certainly result in great savings for steady-state workloads with predictable usage patterns.

Spot Instances, on the other hand, allow users to bid on unused capability of EC2, which minimizes the cost compared to on-demand pricing. But, these instances are also meant to be reclaimed by the service provider even within a shorter notice period.

How to Reduce Costs in EC2?

If you wish to minimize cost in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, you need to begin with the right instance according to your exact workload requirements. It ensures that you don’t over-provisioning resources.

To get an advantage from discounts on long-term commitments, you need to utilize AWS Reserved Instances for predictable workloads. You should implement auto-scaling to adjust the capacity according to demand. It works effectively in the prevention of over-provisioning, even during low-traffic periods.

You should utilize spot instances for various non-critical workloads, which take advantage of spare EC2 capacity at significantly minimized prices. You should optimize storage with the use of Amazon EBS volumes with higher efficiency and also implement data lifecycle policies.

Fargate vs EC2 Pricing Comparison

Now, it’s time to delve into the detailed comparison of EC2 vs Fargate. To uncover this fact, we have compared both Fargate and EC2 based on different factors. Let’s explore:

Resource Granularity

Fargate’s pricing model is based on vCPU and also has memory allocated for each container. It lets fine-grained resource allocation and cost optimization.

EC2 price depends on the selected instance, which may include different amounts of memory, CPU, network bandwidth, and storage. Users can choose the most appropriate instance type according to their app requirements.

Pay-Per-Use vs Instance-Based Pricing

Fargate is based on a pay-per-use pricing model, where users only need to pay for different resources utilized by containers. They need to pay based on per second.

EC2 is available with numerous pricing options like pay-as-you-go reserved instances and also spot instances. The price can vary depending on various factors like region, type, and the selected pricing model.

Cost Optimization Strategies

Since Fargate is available with built-in auto-scaling capabilities, it facilitates containers to scale according to the demand, even without over-provisioning resources.

EC2 users get the ability to utilize several cost optimization strategies like spot instances, reserved instances, auto-scaling, and more. It reduces cost as per the usage requirements and also workload patterns.

Management Overhead

Fargate removes the necessity for managing the underlying infrastructure, including EC2 instances, simplifying resource management and minimizing operational overhead.

EC2, on the other hand, lets users manage virtual machines such as scaling, provisioning, monitoring, and patching. It may also need some additional resources and time.

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Fargate or EC2: Which is Better?

EC2 provides full control over infrastructure, which is the right choice for apps with certain specific requirements or also legacy systems that need customization. Meanwhile, it requires managing scaling, servers, and optimization. It can indeed be time-consuming.

Fargate lets developers emphasize solely on their apps. It provides easy scaling and cost optimization with the help of resource allocations and is also the most appropriate for microservices architecture and containerized apps.

The choice depends on numerous factors, such as scalability needs, control, and management overhead. So, Fargate is the best choice for simplicity and also agility. EC2 is the most preferred choice for customizable and complex environments.



Is EC2 cheaper than Fargate?

Yes, EC2 is quite cheaper than Fargate, especially when running the same workloads. Besides, the cheapest option between these two also depends on the usage patterns. EC2 includes several hidden costs, while Fargate lets you save on operational expenses for several workloads.


Why use Fargate instead of EC2?

Fargate provides serverless convenience, which removes the necessity for managing EC2 instances. Farget allows users to pay for those resources that their containers use. It minimizes the operational overload. It also lets them focus on app development instead of infrastructure management.


Is Fargate more expensive than EKS?

Actually, EKS is cheaper than Fargate. The main reason is that EKS requires some additional costs for running a Kubernetes cluster.


Fargate vs EC2 pricing: Which offers a more cost-effective solution for container workloads?

Farget is the most cost-effective option for container workloads. It’s the right option for you if you have workloads that don’t demand heavy CPUs.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.