Blog Summary:

This insightful blog explores everything about custom real estate CRM software development and details its benefits. With custom CRM, businesses can have flexibility and cost-effectiveness compared to off-the-shelf systems. Additionally, the blog embodies the indispensable features, the development process, and the custom development costs of real estate CRM systems.

Summary—This insightful blog explores everything about custom real estate CRM software development and details its benefits. With custom CRM, businesses can have flexibility and cost-effectiveness compared to off-the-shelf systems. Additionally, the blog embodies the indispensable features, the development process, and the custom development costs of real estate CRM systems.

At present, the real estate software market is becoming massive worldwide and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.8% from 2023 to 2030. Additionally, the necessity of CRM softwares in every business domain is increasing, and real estate is absolutely on the list.

Because of that, the future of CRM software also looks bright. According to a report by Statista, the revenue of CRM software market is expected to grow to US$131.90bn by 2028.

Currently, plenty of CRM tools are available that companies can readily utilize. Still, many real estate businesses seek customization to address their unique requirements of automating workflows, leads nurturing deals tracking, etc. As an experienced real estate software development company, we’ve assimilated everything about building custom CRM systems.

Custom Real Estate CRM Software: Overview

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is a custom tool that assists real estate businesses in their activities. In other words, it’s like a central hub for all your lead tracking, clients, property management, and communications.

You can track client interactions, automate tasks, and analyze performance. Additionally, it is built to fit your company’s workflow, helps close more deals, and boosts efficiency. As a result, a custom CRM solution works as your personalized command center for real estate success.

Let’s check what benefits real estate business owners can get by building a custom CRM.

Top 6 Benefits of Custom Real Estate CRM Software Development

A custom real estate CRM can optimize business processes and productivity. Not only that, it allows you to manage your real estate leads and deals.

Enhanced Efficiency

CRM software for real estate allows automating tasks and streamlining workflows tailored to your business. This allows realtors to focus on closing deals, eliminating insignificant activities. Ultimately, with this smart approach to custom CRM software development, your team can achieve more in less time.

Improved Client Management

Customer relationship management software allows real estate companies to customize client interactions easily. The custom software can analyze preferences and call history, enabling personalized recommendations and services. Thus, real estate agencies can build stronger relationships and keep clients happier.

Data Security

Custom real estate CRM software development allows you to provide security features specifically for your needs. It implies stronger encryption, access controls, and compliance with data privacy regulations. Ultimately, it enables you to keep clients’ financial information and property details safer.

Competitive Advantage

Custom real estate CRM software gives you the unique advantage of modifying features to your business needs. This benefit can increase your team’s productivity and enhance customer experience. Moreover, you will stand out from competitors depending on generic CRM solutions.


The upfront cost of real estate CRM software can be high, but unlike generic CRM, it perfectly fits your needs. Ultimately, it can save you time, boost efficiency, and create a strong team. It can also be cost-effective because it helps you close more deals and retain clients.

Flexibility and Control

With the custom real estate CRM software, you will have complete adaptability, not the other way around. Moreover, It allows you to control exactly what features you use and how data flows. Due to this flexibility, you can easily streamline workflows and boost efficiency for your business.

Custom vs Off-the-shelf Real Estate CRM System – Tabular Comparison

Realtors often face the challenge of choosing between custom and off-the-shelf CRM systems. With custom real estate CRM software development, they can add features and functionalities according to particular business requirements.

Meanwhile, off-the-shelf CRM software offers a directly usable solution with common features that accommodate wider market requirements. Both options offer different pros and cons, which makes the decision-making a little critical.

Here, we’ve assembled the differences in a tabular format to help you make better decisions for your business’s long-term success.

Point of Difference Custom CRM Off-the-Shelf CRM
Development Time Months to years Days to weeks
Cost High upfront cost, ongoing maintenance fees Lower upfront cost, subscription-based pricing
Scalability Requires additional development for scalability Scales automatically with user base (usually)
Flexibility Highly customizable to fit specific needs Limited customization options
Security Requires own security measures Vendor handles security updates
Features Includes only features you need May include features you don’t need
Ownership You own the software You license the software
Support Requires in-house support or reliance on developer Vendor provides support

Why Do You Need Custom Real Estate CRM?

A generic CRM might not fit your agency’s unique needs. Consider a custom Real Estate CRM Development Company to build a system customized for your business. It can help you streamline business processes, centralize data on leads and clients, and automate tasks.

With the custom real estate CRM system, you can have all your property details, client communication, and transaction timelines in one place! Ultimately, you can focus on closing deals, not managing software.

Are You a Real Estate Professional Looking to Develop Custom CRM Software?

We can spontaneously build an ideal CRM system for your real estate company!
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Custom Real Estate CRM Software – Indispensable Features

CRM systems prove to be game-changers for real estate agencies and agents if they cater to their specific requirements. Here is a comprehensive set of essential features to contemplate in CRM systems for the real estate business.

Property Portfolio Management

Keep detailed profiles of your properties, including photos, descriptions, virtual tours (if applicable), legal documents, and MLS integration for automatic updates.

Lead Generation and Tracking

Lead management includes capturing leads from various sources, such as social media, referrals, website forms, and landing pages. Afterward, it is much easier to track progress within the sales funnel. You can also track leads through automated workflows and lead scoring.

Client Relationship Management (CRM)

Maintain a central hub for all client data, comprising contact details, call logs, property preferences, and payment information—segment clients for targeted marketing campaigns and nurture relationships for long-term success.

Integration with Real Estate Platforms

Connect seamlessly with Multiple Listing Services (MLS) for effortless property uploads and updates. Integrate with other relevant platforms, such as email marketing tools, calendar apps, and document management systems.

Automated Marketing Campaigns

Personalize email drip campaigns based on lead interests and stages in the buying journey—Automate tasks like sending birthday greetings, property recommendations, and market updates.

Transaction Management

Track deals from start to finish, managing tasks and approvals. Integrate with e-signature solutions for a smoother closing process.

Mobile Compatibility

Ensure your CRM is accessible on mobile devices for on-the-go access to client data, property details, and communication tools.

Customizable Dashboards and Reports

Gain valuable insights with customizable dashboards that display key performance indicators (KPIs) like lead conversion rates, sales pipeline progress, and agent performance. Generate reports to track marketing campaign effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

By incorporating these features, your custom real estate CRM will empower you to manage properties effectively, nurture leads, strengthen client relationships, and close more deals. Next, let’s head to the steps of custom CRM development.

Process of Developing Custom CRM Software for Real Estate Business

Developing custom CRM software involves a strategic plan of action that enables real estate companies to enhance operational efficiency, smoothen business processes, and boost customer satisfaction. It is customizable to meet your unique real estate business needs.

It also requires strategic planning, development, and deployment. Let’s explore the stepwise process.

  • Requirement Analysis and Planning

It’s the preliminary stage that creates a base for your entire CRM software development. Here, you can Involve key stakeholders from different teams, such as sales executives, marketers, and property managers.

Collectively, try to identify challenges and development enhancements. Analyze the questions below for a better understanding:

  • What are the core functionalities you need in your CRM? (e.g., lead management, property tracking, task automation)
  • How will the CRM integrate with your existing workflows and software?
  • What level of user access and permissions are required?
  • What’s your budget and timeline for development?

After thoroughly understanding your requirements, you can create a clear roadmap for CRM development.

  • Designing User Interface and Database Schema

The next phase is to design the user interface (UI) and define the data structure (database schema) for your CRM. The user interface should be convenient for all agents and staff. Consider factors like ease of navigation, data visualization, and mobile responsiveness.

Additionally, you need to analyze how data will be maintained and arranged in the CRM. It should be flexible enough to accommodate future growth and new features.

  • Development of Core Features and Functionality

In this phase, the developers started creating the custom CRM system! Here, the core functionalities that were identified in the planning stage are demonstrated. Some common CRM features for real estate include:

  • Lead management by tracking leads from various sources, qualifying them, and assigning them to agents.
  • Property management involves adding, editing, and managing property listings with complete details, pictures, and virtual trips.
  • Client management is responsible for storing and managing client contact details, preferences, and communication history.
  • Automating repetitive tasks like sending emails, follow-ups, and appointment reminders.
  • Generating reports on sales performance, marketing effectiveness, and client activity.
  • Integration with External Platforms and APIs

The next step is to integrate the CRM system with external platforms and APIs to improve functionality. It can include Integrating CRM software with Google Maps or similar services for property location visualization.

You can also sync your CRM with marketing automation tools to streamline lead nurturing campaigns. Similarly, integrating with email marketing platforms or communication tools for seamless communication is also possible.

  • Testing and Quality Assurance

After the integration phase, rigorous testing of the CRM system is essential to ensure that it functions flawlessly. The development team will thoroughly test all features and functionalities.

  • Deployment to Production Environment

Once testing is complete, the CRM is deployed to a live production environment (server or cloud platform). Security configurations and access controls are implemented to ensure data privacy.

  • User Training and Documentation

Last but not least, it is vital to equip your team with proper training and user guides for successful CRM adoption. You can offer extensive learning materials and arrange seminars to ensure everyone understands how to leverage the CRM effectively.

How Much Does It Cost To Build Custom CRM Software?

The cost of developing custom CRM software is directly related to its features and functionalities. Therefore, it is important to understand how the CRM should conduct tasks and generate reports. Furthermore, adding extended features, like a chatbot and personalized rating, will heavily affect the bottom line.

Here’s a table outlining the factors affecting the cost of custom CRM software development and estimated price ranges:

Factor Description Cost Range
Complexity Features, integrations, and functionalities – Basic CRM: $20,000 – $30,000
– Advanced CRM: $50,000+
CRM Type Operational, Analytical, Strategic, Collaborative Varies depending on the complexity
Development Team Location, experience level Hourly rate: $35-$100
Development Time Project duration based on features Varies depending on complexity (e.g., basic CRM: 5-6 months)

Want to Implement Custom CRM Software?

We provide custom CRM software development services that are profitable as well as beneficial for your real estate business.

How Moon Technolabs Can Help You?

At Moon Technolabs, we have specialized developers and experts who deliver extraordinary real estate CRM systems. Our Custom Real Estate CRM Software Development mastery enables you to amalgamate domain-specific functionalities like lead management, property management, MLS listings, and much more. It will empower you with powerful CRM integration to resolve your industry-related challenges.

Our top priority is to uphold data security, as it is crucial to protect sensitive information in today’s digital world. That’s why we provide custom real estate CRM software development with powerful security features.



How long does it take to develop a custom CRM?

The required time to build a custom CRM depends on various factors, including: The amount of modifications The complicacy required in adding features The use of technology components User interface components The level of data migration  Many other factors are considered. Contact us now to get a complete estimation of the required time for your project.


Can custom real estate CRM software be integrated with existing platforms and APIs?

Yes. a custom real estate CRM can be integrated with existing platforms and APIs if it is designed in such a way. An actual benefit of getting CRM software customized is that it offers increased efficiency, centralized data, and improved functionality. 


What technical support and maintenance is required after the custom real estate CRM is deployed?

Reputable real estate CRM development companies offer extensive support and maintenance after the deployment. This includes technical problem-solving, updating software when required, and responding to customer inquiries.  This results in optimal CRM performance as all the challenges will be quickly resolved. Along with that, you can focus on the more important business operations while getting your CRM updated adequately.


Is it possible to scale a custom real estate CRM as the business grows?

Yes, scaling a custom real estate CRM is possible, but it depends on how well it's developed and what resources are available. Get ready to streamline your real estate business and reap the rewards of a scalable CRM exclusively with Moon Technolabs. 
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.