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This post covers all aspects of the cost of Web3 development. It explains the costs associated with different development stages, types of platforms, and hidden costs. In addition, it discusses ways to minimize the overall cost of Web3 development.

Web3 is an emerging technology that redefines the way businesses function and transact. That’s why the technology has witnessed its major adoption in different sectors, including manufacturing, raw materials, transportation, and the financial sector.

Many startups and leading enterprises opt for Web3 development to leverage its full potential, with the development cost being a primary concern for businesses seeking to pursue it.

Well, the Web3 Development Cost is not fixed for all types of applications. It varies based on numerous factors. We will discuss all those factors and various related aspects of developing Web3.

How Much Does Web3 Application Cost Based on the Phases?

Planning and Research

Cost: $6,000 – $15,000

Planning and research are among the most crucial phases of Web3 development. This stage generally costs between $6000 to $15000, but it can vary depending on the complexity of the application and the type of research work since it involves in-depth research and planning.

This stage is important for defining the project scope, understanding user requirements, researching the right technologies, and determining various Blockchain platforms to leverage. Some important activities of this phase include;

  • Market research involves analyzing the overall market, target users, competitors, etc., to ensure the app meets the real need.
  • You can assess the technical feasibility of the project with the use of available technology.
  • It’s essential to create detailed project plans like milestones, timelines, and resource allocation.

Design and Prototyping

Cost: $10,000 – $30,000

Designing and prototyping are crucial phases of Web3 development, and their costs range from $9000 to $25000. During this phase, designers craft visual and functional representations of the app. It includes activities like wireframing, UI/UX design, prototyping, and top-quality design.

A wireframe is the basic layout of the app that maps out the overall flow and structure of applications. Designers create UI/UX designs to create aesthetically enticing and intuitive user interfaces. They also create interactive prototypes to demonstrate the complete functionality of the application. A high-quality design is necessary for user engagement and satisfaction.


Being a resource-intensive phase, Web3 development involves different phases;

Frontend Development

The cost of front-end development ranges from $10,000 to $40,000. It involves creating a user-facing side of the app. Some of the most crucial tasks include styling and structuring web pages using HTML/CSS, using JavaScript frameworks to create several interactive features, and creating responsive design.

Backend Development

Backend development focuses mainly on databases, focusing on server-side, application logic, and more. It includes various activities such as API development, database management, server configuration, and more. The cost of the backend development ranges from $25,000 to $60,000.

Blockchain Integration

Integration of Blockchain technology is one vital activity in Web3 development. The associated cost ranges from $40,000 to $100,000. It includes numerous activities such as smart contract development, security audits, blockchain node setup, and more. The complexity of blockchain integration and the necessity for high-grade security can increase the cost.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing and quality assurance is another phase that ranges from $10000 to $30000. It’s necessary to make sure the app functions perfectly and also doesn’t include bugs. QA experts conduct different types of testing, including unit testing, integration testing, user acceptance testing, comprehensive testing, and more.

Deployment and Launch

Deployment of the application is a crucial step that costs ranging from $5,000 to $15,000. The cost of deployment also depends on the app’s complexity and hosting requirements. In this process, experts perform numerous activities, which are as follows;

  • Set up hosting
  • Register domain
  • Preparation to launch

Maintenance and Updates

Maintenance and updates are necessary after the app is launched to keep it functioning smoothly. They also help keep the app secure and relevant despite changing technologies and user preferences.

The cost ranges from $10,000 to $25,000 annually. Professionals perform various maintenance and update activities, such as bug fixing, security updates, feature enhancement, and ongoing maintenance.

Web3 Development Cost Based on Its Type or Platform

The Web3 app development also depends on the type of platforms developers leverage to create apps. Let’s find out the cost of each platform;

Decentralized Applications (DApps)

DApps can operate smoothly on Blockchain networks and ensure improved user control and security. So, the development cost of DApps depends on numerous factors, such as the complexity of the Blockchain platform and various development resources.

If you create a simple DApp, its cost may range from $10,000 to $40,000. Meanwhile, developing a complex application can even go further. The cost also includes integration with Blockchain networks, front-end development, back-end development, and smart contract development.

Moreover, using development platforms such as Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Polygon, or others involves additional costs. Several platforms charge a certain percentage of transactions.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platforms

Decentralized finance platforms ensure smooth financial services even without any intermediary. They include numerous activities such as borrowing, lending, and trading. Due to security and complexity requirements, the costs associated with creating and maintaining DeFI platforms are considerable.

If you want to develop a basic app on this platform, the cost ranges from $55000 to $200,000. Besides, if you want to develop an advanced application with the latest security features, you need to spend up to $500,000.

The cost includes several things, such as developing smart contracts that integrate numerous Blockchain networks, crafting user interfaces, and extensive testing to ensure vulnerabilities. DeFI needs a stringent security audit to prevent exploits.

Hiring a reputed firm for an audit may cost between $10,000 and $150,000, depending on the complexity of the smart contract. Running a DeFi platform includes numerous operational expenses like developer salaries, server costs, marketing, and legal fees.

Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) Marketplaces

NFT marketplaces enable buyers to create, purchase, and sell their unique digital assets. The cost structure of this platform includes several things, like development, transaction fees, and marketing. Developing an NFT marketplace can cost between $50,000 and $300,000.

It includes developing smart contracts for minting NFTs, integrating with several blockchain networks, creating a user-friendly marketplace interface, and implementing payment gateways. In addition, most NFT marketplaces charge listing fees and take a certain percentage of every sale, which generally ranges from 2.5% to 10%.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

Based on smart contracts, DAOs are organizations where consensus mechanisms are used for decision-making. The cost of creating and maintaining a DAO involves legal, development, and operational expenses. The cost of developing a DAO ranges from $20,000 to $100,000. It also includes developing voting systems, governance smart contracts, and user interfaces.

Complicated DAOs with next-generation features like automated treasury management can be even more expensive. Establishing a DAO involves navigating the regulatory environment, which incurs several legal fees that range from $5000 to $60,000.

The fees depend on both the complexity and jurisdiction. As far as the operational cost of a DAO is concerned, it includes security audits, ongoing maintenance, community management, and potential funding for the projects proposed by the DAO.

Blockchain-based Gaming

When it comes to Blockchain-based games, blockchain technology can be integrated mainly for economies, in-game assets, and player interactions. Blockchain integration and complexity impact the development cost of this game, which ranges from $60,000 to $100,000 for basic applications.

Meanwhile, the cost of developing a complex application can go up to $600,000. This also includes blockchain integration, game development, and testing. Transaction fees are incurred for games that involve the transaction of various in-game items.

These fees vary depending on the blockchain. Enticing players to blockchain games requires a hard marketing effort, which can cost from $10,000 to $100,000.

Supply Chain Management Solutions

Blockchain has huge potential to improve supply chain efficiency and transparency. Scale and complexity are major factors that heavily impact the overall cost of a Blockchain-based supply chain. The cost to implement a blockchain-based supply chain generally ranges between $100,000 and $600,000.

It includes several custom smart contracts, data interoperability, and integration with existing systems. Implementing the system across the supply chain and training staff impacts the cost, which generally ranges from $50,000 to $250,000. It includes operational costs like transaction fees, maintenance of the blockchain network, and regular updates.

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How to Estimate Web3 Development Cost?

The cost estimation of Web3 development is challenging and multifaceted. Numerous factors, from the scope of the project to post-launch maintenance, are involved. Let’s explore each factor in detail.

Define Project Scope and Requirements

Your first task is to get a complete overview of the project’s requirements and scope. This involves various aspects of your app, such as its features, functionality, user interfaces, etc. You must also find out whether your project will be a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, a DeFi platform, or any kind of decentralized application.

Make sure you have a detailed and specific project requirement to estimate the cost with accuracy. Some of the crucial elements include user stories, core features, use cases, technical requirements, and more.

Determine the Complexity of the Application

Complexity is another factor that impacts the overall development cost of Web3 apps. From simple token contracts to complicated decentralized autonomous organizations, these tokens are available with multiple options.

Many factors include complexity, including user interface, smart contract logic, scalability requirements, interoperability, and more. Smart contract logic includes the complication of various smart contracts, such as the number of contracts and their interdependencies.

The design and usability of the front-end user interface need responsive design and the latest frameworks. Interoperability defines the need for apps to interact with several blockchain networks or various traditional systems.

Choose the Blockchain Platform

The selection of the blockchain platform also determines Web3’s cost. You need to keep in mind that different platforms are available with development tools, complexity, transaction fees, and more. Some of these common platforms include;

  • Ethereum: It’s popular for its powerful ecosystem and widespread usage. However, it has a higher gas fee.
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC): It offers the lowest transaction fee but also involves several trade-offs in decentralization.
  • Some other emerging platforms, including Cardano, Polkadot, Solana, and others, have different advantages in terms of cost, speed, and scalability.

Your selection of platform can affect operational and, thus, development costs. Therefore, you should always consider the long-term implications while selecting this platform.

Estimate Development Time and Resources

It’s advisable to divide the entire project into various phases to estimate the overall development time with a higher accuracy. You can also assign a timeframe for every phase. These are something that generally includes;

  • Planning and research include various activities such as feasibility studies, requirement gathering, initial designs, and more.
  • UI/UX design.
  • Coding and testing smart contracts, including back-end and front-end development.
  • Integration involves a connection with blockchain or several other systems.
  • Extensive testing is necessary to ensure high-end security and functionality.
  • You can use agile methodologies to manage and adjust timelines with the progress of the project.

Consider Team Composition and Location

You need to understand that location and the composition of your team have a great impact on cost. The Web3 development team includes several things;

  • Blockchain Developers: they are specialists in coding and the deployment of smart contracts.
  • Front-end Developers: experts in the writing and deployment of smart contracts.
  • Back-end Developers: they are responsible for integration with Blockchain and server-side logic.
  • Project managers: who generally oversee milestones, timelines, and also several deliverables.
  • UI/UX designers: they offer a seamless user experience.
  • QA experts: they conduct testing and thus validate apps.

The location of your team also has a great impact on your cost since salary varies across multiple regions. An Offshore development team may provide lower rates. However, it’s necessary to consider time zone challenges and potential challenges.

Include Testing and Security Measures

Security and testing are crucial for Web3 development. Blockchain apps are necessary to avoid any type of costly mistakes. It includes several things;

  • Automated Testing: many automated frameworks and tools can automate testing or interfaces and smart contracts.
  • Manual Testing: In-depth manual testing is crucial to catch certain edge cases and also ensure usability.
  • Security Audits: Regular security audits are necessary to mitigate and identify vulnerabilities.
  • Bug Bounties: These programs can incentivize those of many external security experts to find and report issues.

Factor in Post-Launch Maintenance

Post-launch maintenance is an ongoing activity that leads to ongoing costs. Meanwhile, it’s essential, and you can’t ignore it. The post-launch includes numerous activities;

  • Bug Fixes: You can also address any issues that can arise after deployment.
  • Updates and Upgrades: You can keep your app updated with several new features, security patches, and platform changes.
  • Customer Support: It provides users with the necessary support, which involves a dedicated team or a support service.

Maintenance costs tend to vary. However, having a responsive team and regular updates is crucial to ensuring the long-term success of your Web3 apps.

Hidden Costs to Develop Web3

Always keep in mind that there are several hidden costs when it comes to Web3 development. Let’s explore here all those hidden costs that both businesses and developers need to take into account.

Smart Contract Audits

Smart contracts are pivotal for Web3 apps, which automate operations and transactions even without intermediaries. Meanwhile, its deployment can pose certain risks if auditing is not completed properly.

Bugs and security vulnerabilities cause certain financial losses. You should always conduct smart contract audits, which are not important but expensive. These audits, performed by various cybersecurity firms, include verification and a rigorous testing process to ensure the contract’s functionality and security.

The cost depends on the contract’s overall complexity. Despite their higher cost, these audits are important to ensure the trust and reliability of Web3 apps.

Regulatory Compliance

Since Web3 works in the legal area, its regulation tends to vary widely across different jurisdictions. Apart from being complex, compliance with these security regulations also involves a higher cost.

An organization needs to fulfill all legal requirements related to anti-money laundering, security law, know-your-customer (KYC) protocols, and data privacy laws. Every jurisdiction has unique requirements, which necessitate legal expertise and necessary adjustments to abide by the rules.

This leads to continuous monitoring, substantial legal fees, and redesigning the platforms to comply with certain regulatory changes. Failure to abide by these rules may result in heavy penalties and damage to the company’s reputation, making regulatory compliance important.

Scalability Solutions

Scalability emerges as a great challenge in the entire blockchain ecosystem. Web3’s decentralized nature causes slow transactions and higher fees as the network grows. You can perform in-depth research to implement scalability solutions, including layer protocols, sharding, consensus mechanisms, etc.

These solutions need ongoing updates and vast technical expertise to ensure they keep pace with the network’s changing demands. In addition, integrating these solutions into an already existing system can be costly and complicated.

It often requires a complete modification of the platform’s architecture. Therefore, it’s necessary to invest in maintaining user satisfaction and performance. It also reflects hidden costs in Web3 development.

User Education and Support

User education and support are crucial to ensuring users are versed in the information needed to use Web3 apps most effectively. You can create tutorials and educational material, and the platform is also full of support systems that demand both time and necessary financial resources.

It includes several factors, such as detailed documentation, crafting a user-friendly interface, a responsive customer support team, and more. Education and support are also crucial to familiarizing you with the latest updates, features, and advanced security practices. Neglecting this aspect can cause increased support queries, user frustration, potential security risks, and more.

Infrastructure and Hosting

As we already mentioned, Web3 is decentralized and needs a reliable & powerful infrastructure to support its multiple operations. Web3 platforms are quite different from those of traditional web apps, which generally rely on centralized servers.

These platforms require a completely decentralized nature of Web3, which requires a powerful infrastructure to function smoothly. Traditional web apps, on the other hand, rely mainly on centralized servers.

But, Web3 platforms require decentralized hosting solutions that include a Blockchain-based storage system, Interplanetary File System (IPFS), and more.

If you set up this infrastructure, you can face many challenges. Besides, its maintenance is also not easy and quite expensive. It involves ensuring the security, wider availability, scalability, etc., of the hosting environment.

Apart from this, the price of running nodes is also an important factor. Most businesses often overlook these infrastructure costs, but they are necessary for the hassle-free function of Web3 apps.

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How to Reduce the Web3 Development Cost?

Of course, Web3 development is expensive. But, one can minimize the overall cost with several strategies. Let’s discuss all vital strategies in detail.

Use Open Source Tools and Libraries

Developers leverage a large number of open-source tools and libraries for Web3 development. Using these resources proficiently helps you minimize development time and expenses. Let’s find out the way you can do it.

  • It’s advisable to use pre-built solutions. You can access GitHub to find various ready-to-use codebases that you can use for different blockchain functionalities. You can use these to save both time and cost.
  • Open-source projects have active communities that offer complete documentation, support, and necessary updates. This ensures the project is up-to-date with advancements even without any additional costs.
  • By contributing to several open-source projects, developers can improve the tools they leverage.

Leverage Existing Platforms and Protocols

It’s a good idea to use those many established platforms and protocols that can minimize the overall development cost by offering tested, reliable, and scalable solutions. Some of these include;

  • Blockchain as a Service (BaaS): Many platforms, such as Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, and Polkadot, provide a powerful ecosystem for developers to develop and implement dApps. These platforms ensure necessary services such as network infrastructure, consensus mechanism, security, etc.
  • APIs and SDKs: Many blockchain platforms provide APIs and SDKs that can simplify the overall integration and development process. These tools can assist developers in implementing complex functionalities smoothly and even without any extensive coding of infrastructure setup.
  • Smart Contract Templates: You can customize any of many pre-existing smart contract templates to match certain specific needs. This minimizes the need for expertise and the time needed to write and test new contracts from scratch.

Hire Experienced Developers

Hiring experienced developers is another most effective way to minimize cost, even in the long run. The major reasons are;

  • Experienced developers can be adept at optimized writing, scalable code, security, and minimizing the necessity for extensive revisions and also debugging. The entire process can be costly and consumes a lot of time.
  • These developers make only a few mistakes and minimize critical errors, which can lead to costly security vulnerabilities or require substantial rework.
  • Apart from this, experienced developers also guide junior professionals and thus help them improve their skill level. It thus helps in increasing the productivity of team members even without letting you pay anything for this.

Optimize Project Management

Effective project management is important to keep the cost of Web3 development in check. For this, you can implement the following strategies;

  • Agile methodology ensures iterative development and also continuous feedback. It ensures your entire project is aligned perfectly with your business objective and minimizes any risk of costly errors.
  • Make sure you are clear about your project requirements and have a complete roadmap. This will give all stakeholders a clear understanding of the project’s goal.
  • You can set up a regular milestone and then conduct a review, which helps you track progress, identify issues, and make necessary adjustments even before they become bigger issues.

Plan for Scalability Early On

It’s a good idea to plan as early as possible as it minimizes the overall cost related to reworking or expanding the infrastructure. You can approach it in the following ways;

  • You can design a modular architecture that enables various individual components to be scaled or updated independently. It’s cost-effective compared to modifying the entire system.
  • Utilizing scalable cloud service is a great idea as it assures you that your app can handle the growth even without any investment, be it software or hardware.
  • It’s also advisable to conduct load testing as early as possible during the development phase. This can help you identify several performance issues.

Web3 Development Cost for Renowned Startups

Being an advanced technology, Web3 transformed the way an individual interacts with digital platforms. Meanwhile, developing a Web3 app involves cost. Let’s find out details about the development costs of various Web3 startups.


As one of the most sought-after blockchains for Web3 development, Ethereum is popular for its smart contract functionality and powerful ecosystem. So, developing an app on this platform is indeed expensive.

Ethereum is the most popular blockchain for Web3 development due to its robust ecosystem and smart contract functionality. Developing on Ethereum, however, can be expensive. Costs include:

  1. The cost of smart contract development ranges from $10,000 to $60,000 when you develop a simple contract. For the development of a complex contract, you need to spend approximately $100,000.
  2. This platform also requires gas fees for transactions. Higher usage of the network can increase gas fees, which adds to both development and operational costs.
  3. Security is of great importance for smart contracts. Depending on the complexity of the contract, the cost of hiring a genuine and renowned firm ranges from $10,000 to $100,000.
  4. You need to make an important infrastructure investment to run nodes and ensure higher availability. The price can be $1000 per month.


Developed on Ethereum, Uniswap allows users to trade tokens even without any intermediaries and use automated market-making algorithms. Some of the crucial factors to develop a platform like this one include;

  1. AMM Algorithm Development: This includes developing sophisticated AMM algorithms that require specialized knowledge in financial mathematics and Blockchain technology. Its cost ranges between $50,000 and $200,000.
  2. UI/UX: UI/UX is crucial for user adoption. The cost of developing an intuitive interface ranges from $30,000 to $100,000.
  3. Liquidity Pools: Incentivizing liquidity providers remains crucial. Careful design of reward mechanisms and token distributions increases the overall cost.
  4. Legal and Compliance: It also requires some additional fees, which can go up to $100,000 or even more, when it comes to a global platform.


As one of the largest NFT marketplaces, OpenSea brings the possibility of both buying and selling several digital assets. So, if you seek to develop a platform like OpenSea, it includes several cost components;

  1. Smart Contract Development: It involves transferring, minting, and trading NFTs that need a powerful smart contract. Its development cost generally ranges from $15000 to $100,000.
  2. Storage Solutions: NFTs need a full set of decentralized storage solutions, including IPFS. Integration and maintenance of this system cost between $10,000 to $50,000.
  3. Additional Cost: It ranges from $40,000 to $150,000, and is involved in creating features such as auctioning, bidding, and royalties.
  4. Security: It is another crucial factor that can’t be overlooked. Implementing various security measures and regular auditing costs approximately $50,000 every year.


Aave is a top-rated decentralized lending protocol that allows users to sell and purchase digital assets. As far as the developing cost of this factor includes, it requires the following things;

  1. Protocol Development: The development of the protocol and the interest rate is a complicated process, and its cost ranges from $100,000 to $600,000.
  2. Smart Contract Audits: A complete audit is necessary due to the high stakes involved. It costs around $50,000 to $200,000.
  3. Liquidity incentives: You need to design incentive tokens to lure liquidity providers.
  4. Compliance: You need to follow several financial regulations, including various substantial legal expenses, which can add up to $100,000.


With Chainlink, one can get tamper-proof and reliable data feeds to smart contracts. So, if you wish to develop a decentralized Oracle network like this one, you need to keep in mind the following associated costs.

  1. Oracle Development: Data integration expertise and advanced Blockchain are necessary to build a reliable and secure Oracle. They cost from $200,000 to $500,000.
  2. Node Network: To set up and maintain a decentralized network of Oracle nodes, you need to invest in complete infrastructure, which can exceed $100,000 annually.
  3. Audit: Security audits generally cost around $100,000.
  4. Partnering with data providers and its seamless integration leads to some additional costs, which range from $50,000 to $150,000.


It’s designed with the core purpose of allowing different blockchains to transfer both messages and value in a trust-free fashion. It requires the following investment;

  1. The development of the core relay chain is vital to ensure scalability and security. It includes the higher development cost, which ranges from $500,000 to $1,000,000.
  2. The development of individual para chains that can interact with the relay chain needs various substantial resources. Its cost ranges from $200,000 to $500,000.
  3. Cross-Chain Communication: Its main purpose is to maintain interoperability between various blockchains. It involves an advanced development protocol and its cost ranges from $100,000 to $300,000.
  4. Implementing a governance mechanism requires additional development and, thus, legal costs, which range from $50,000 to $150,000.

Average Cost to Develop a Web3

The average cost of building a Web3 application starts at $60,000 and can reach $500,000. The development cost is not constant for all types of apps. It varies based on features, project complexity, security measures, geographical location, developer expertise, and more.

Developing a basic decentralized app costs approximately $50,000. Meanwhile, developing an application with robust security, advanced functionalities, and high scalability can cost up to $200,000.

Several additional costs, including maintenance, user support, updates, etc., also need to be considered. These effectively contribute to the overall investment.

How Moon Technolabs Can Help You Optimize the Cost of Web3?

At Moon Technolabs, we are proficient in Web3 cost optimization. Our team has earned the required expertise to leverage blockchain technology and decentralized apps. With us, you can get tailored solutions for efficient smart contract development while reducing gas fees.

We also proficiently utilize scalable blockchain platforms. Moon Technolabs uses a cost-effective development approach to provide continuous support and ensure your project remains within budget. We have enormous experience integrating full-proof security measures and minimizing potential risks and associated costs.

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So, above are some vital details about the overall cost of Web3 app development. They help you prepare your budget accordingly and hire a Web3 development company that is proficient in developing top-quality solutions. Moon Technolabs can be your right choice, as it has years of experience in this field and has successfully delivered several Web3 projects.



What is needed for Web3 development?

For Web3 development, developers need to be fully conversant with Blockchain, cryptography, and distributed technology. They should also possess enough experience with software development, object-oriented programming, agile methodologies, and more.


Is Web3 development hard?

Yes, Web3 development can be challenging, as developers need to learn various new technologies, such as smart contracts, Blockchain, and decentralized networks.


How do I get involved in Web3 development?

You can get involved in Web3 development in several ways, such as learning smart contract languages, the basics of Blockchain, dApps, and more.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.