Blog Summary:

The post includes a list of the top web development tools most frequently used for web application development. From front-end and back-end to IDEs and project management tools, we have covered everything. Read the entire post to understand the right web development tool for your project and then choose it accordingly.

A web development tool contributes a lot to streamlining the development process by making it fast and less time-consuming. It also provides several other advantages like increasing developer’s efficiency, improving code quality, debugging, performance optimization, and more.

However, choosing the right web development tool can be quite confusing, as there are numerous options to consider.

We have discussed here some of the web development tools you can consider for your projects. Look at different categories of web development tools and choose the right one based on your project needs.

What are Web Development Tools?

As the name suggests, web development tools are types of software that assist developers in creating web applications. Developers also leverage these tools for testing the newly developed web apps or websites and for its maintenance.

These tools include a variety of functionalities like debuggers, code editors, browser extensions, version control systems, and more. Web development tools include various features such as code completion, syntax highlighting, real-time debugging, etc. to foster the entire process of web development.

Types of Web Development Tools

Different types of web development tools serve some specific purposes in the development process. These tools have been categorized based on their usage. Let’s understand different categories of web application development tools.

Front-end Development Tools

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is one of the most popular front-end development tools web developers most frequently use. Being a lightweight tool, it comes with a robust interface while having wider support for frameworks, languages, and a vibrant ecosystem of extensions. It enables developers to do their tasks with a higher efficiency.

The intuitive interface of VS Code is accompanied by features like Git integration, IntelliSense, Debugging capabilities, and many more. These are something that makes Visual Studio Code the most appropriate front-end development tool. It’s appropriate for projects of varied scales.

Sublime Text

Developers most frequently leverage Sublime Text for front-end development for a large number of projects. The tool is apt for its simplicity, speed, and also versatility. It’s available with a minimalist design boasting several features that include a command palette, multiple selections, customizable key building, etc.

It provides developers with an efficient coding environment and thus boosts their productivity for coding. Though Sublime Text doesn’t have native support for modern features compared to other latest editors, its extensibility and performance through plugins make it an amazing choice among many front-end developers.


Being an open-source editor developed by Adobe, Brackets is the best tool for web designers and also front-end developers. It’s popular for having a live preview feature, which lets developers view several changes in real time since they edit their code.

The tools ensure quick prototyping and also iterative design processes. In addition, the seamless integration of Brackets with preprocessors like frameworks including Angular, makes it a popular tool for creating modern web apps.


WebStorm is a good choice among developers when it comes to handling JavaScript-related projects. It emerges as a powerful IDE that boosts both code quality and productivity.

The tool has the capability of improving workflow with high-grade refactoring tools, intelligent code completion, and built-in support for top front-end frameworks like React and Angular.

WebStorm includes numerous features tailored for front-end developers, including integrated version control and intelligent navigation. The tool encourages the team to deliver top-quality web apps with a higher efficiency.


Collaboration is quite essential when it comes to modern software development. When it comes to BitBucket, it’s a version control system that plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless teamwork.

The tool includes the Git repository hosting service provides developers with a platform that enables them to share, store, and also manage code repositories securely.

Integration of BitBucket with Atlassian products and support for branching strategies ensure a higher code collaboration. That’s the reason why BitBucket is the right tool for the front-end development team.


Being a dynamic stylesheet preprocessor, Stylus encourages developers to create CSS with improved expressiveness and flexibility. Its features like nested syntax and variable mixins play a vital role in streamlining the entire process of web application development.

It ensures more advanced and highly maintainable code. One can amplify the usability of Stylus by integrating it with Semantic UI and Bootstrap. It allows developers to create visually enriched designs hassle-free.


Developed by none other than Google, Angular is a powerful front-end framework. It’s a good choice when it comes to developing single-page applications. Be it two-way data binding, modular architecture, or dependency injection, Angular brings the possibility for developers to build scalable and also highly maintainable web apps.

It has a wide ecosystem of tools and libraries along with features like Angular CLI and TypeScript support, etc, improves the overall development cycles. Angular thus makes it possible to deliver top-performing web apps.


Even with the availability of various high-grade JavaScript frameworks, jQuery still has great dominance. Being a lightweight framework, it’s a versatile library for DOM manipulation and also for vent handling.

It’s popular for having a concise syntax and also an extensive plugin ecosystem, which simplifies its various common tasks in frontend development. It allows developers to do even less coding to achieve complex functionalities.

Though its demand witnessed a slight decline due to the emergence of the latest frameworks and native browser APIs, jQuery is still the best choice for various legacy projects.


As a top-rated front-end framework developed by Twitter, Bootstrap allows developers to leverage a wide set of JavaScript components and CSS for developing mobile-first and responsive web interfaces.

Available with features like pre-styled components, typography, and grid system, Bootstrap can expedite the entire process of crafting visually appealing layouts while ensuring cross-browser compatibility. Developers can use its extensive customization and documentation to prototype and then iterate design quickly.

Semantic UI

Semantic UI distinguishes itself from others by emphasizing human-friendly HTML. It improves the readability of code and makes it easy for developers to understand. The tool ensures quick development even without sacrificing maintainability or clarity, with its features like intuitive component design, class naming, and semantic approach.

Semantic UI also includes a vast collection of various UI components and theming capabilities, which help developers craft visually appealing and accessible web interfaces even without putting in hard effort. It improves user experience as well.

Back end Development Tools


As a top-level Python web framework, Django makes the development process of even complex web apps easy by offering a clean and clutter-free design. The tool ensures a quick development process even without compromising scalability with various features like an automatic admin interface, object-relational mapper, and various powerful security measures.

Based on the ‘batteries-included’ approach, Django offers URL routing, built-in components for authentication, templating, etc.


Express.js ensures the development of server-side apps with JavaScript. It’s a lightweight tool available with an un-opinionated structure and allows developers to modify their apps based on specific needs.

The tool is popular for its higher flexibility and ensures the integration of various middleware for handling multiple tasks like HTTP requests, routing, and implementing authentication mechanisms.

The wider community support and simplicity make Express.js a popular option for developing RESTful APIs and also single-page apps (SPAs).

Spring Boot

As a part of the Spring frameworks ecosystem, Spring Boot redefines Java development with an approach like convention-over-configuration. It simplifies the process of setup and configuration of Spring-based apps, which removes the necessity for extensive XML configurations with the help of sensible defaults and also auto-configuration.

With this framework, developers can bootstrap apps quickly by leveraging several built-in features such as aspect-oriented programming, dependency injection, etc.


Flask is the right back-end development tool for those developers who look for flexibility and simplicity in web app development. The minimalistic design of this framework encourages developers to leverage various third-party extensions for added functionality.

It enables developers to develop tailor-made apps based on specific requirements. They can use Flask for serving static files, creating RESTful APIs, and also integrating with several other Python libraries.


Being a PHP framework, Symfony is better known for its higher performance and scalability. It helps developers create a powerful and scalable web app. The tool includes the Model View Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which ensures code organization.

Symfony ensures fast development and reusability of code with features like modular architecture and an extensive component library. It strongly focuses on testing and documentation, which ensures the reliability and maintainability of apps throughout the development lifecycle.


MongoDB transforms data storage with its horizontal scalability and flexible document-oriented model. It’s different from traditional relational databases and can store data in JSON-like documents while offering schema flexibility and agility.

It’s available with built-in sharding capabilities and distributed architecture, which ensure seamless scaling to keep up with the increasing data volumes. MongoDB supports ad-hoc queries, aggregation pipelines, indexing, etc., which makes it an ideal option for handling different types of data.


MySQL matches the choice for developers looking for tools that should be performance-oriented, reliable, and easy to use. Being an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS), it powers a large number of applications, from small to larger enterprise-scale systems.

MySQL is available with features like powerful transaction support, ACID compliance, and modern replication features of data redundancy. It’s fully compatible with various programming languages, which makes it a versatile option for different development scenarios.


Apache is another back-end development tool known for security, stability and extensibility. It can support several operating systems and also can be integrated seamlessly with various back-end technologies such as Ruby, Python, and PHP.

Apache is highly popular for its modular architecture that allows administrators to extend and customize its functionalities through different modules. It ensures security and also optimal performance for any web app.


Docker has modernized the overall process of app development with containerization, which ensures apps and their dependencies into portable and lightweight containers. With the tool, developers get the flexibility to package their apps with necessary libraries and also dependencies.

It ensures consistent behavior across different environments. As mentioned, Docker is known for a container-based approach that can streamline the overall development workflow, which makes it possible for continuous integration and deployment.

Besides, Docker also promotes a seamless collaboration between operations and development teams.


Ruby is much talked about for its higher productivity when it comes to developing web applications. It comes with developers-friendly features and concise syntaxes like convention over configuration and metaprogramming, which boosts development cycles even without sacrificing code maintainability or readability.

Based on the principle of ‘convention over configuration, Ruby on Rails can automate even tough tasks and also let developers focus on solving various business issues most effectively.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

IntelliJ IDEA

Being one of the most powerful IDEs, IntelliJ IDEA is developed by JetBrains and aimed primarily at Java development. It supports multiple languages like Groovy, Kotlin, and Scala. It provides intelligent code assistance features such as refactoring tools, and code completion, along with seamless integration.

As far as features are concerned, IntelliJ IDEA boasts a bunch of features like an intelligent code editor, built-in version control support, deep integration, refactoring tools for code optimization, and an extensive plugin ecosystem.


Maintained by Apache, NetBeans is the best option for developers looking for an open-source IDE. It supports various programming languages including JavaScript, Java, C/C++, PHP, etc. The tool includes a modular architecture that ensures the development of numerous apps, from web and desktop to mobile.

It includes a user interface with a code analyzer and code templates. NetBeans has robust debugging tools to identify and fix issues and also ensures a smooth integration with top libraries and frameworks.


Another IDE developed by JetBrains, PyCharm is another top-rated IDE designed specifically for Python development. It provides comprehensive debugging tools, intelligent code editing, and also smooth integration with famous Python frameworks such as Flask and Django.

It makes PyCharm a top choice among Python developers. Be it a customizable interface, advanced debugging tools, or an extensive plugin ecosystem, PyCharm is available with plenty of features.


Eclipse is another open-source IDE, which is popular mainly for its extensibility and also flexibility. It was earlier developed for Java and also supports a large number of programming languages with the help of its extensive plugin ecosystem.

The tool is the right option for different types of projects and developers. Eclipse includes many features such as cross-platform compatibility, support for collaboration and project management, integrated development tools, and more.

Cloud9 IDE

Developed by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cloud9 IDE is a cloud-based development environment, which is accessible with the help of a web browser. So, the major advantage of this IDE is it can be accessible from any location with the use of an internet connection.

It provides a fully collaborative workspace where developers can code, run, and debug code remotely, which ensures seamless collaboration among many team members.

Project Management/Collaborative tools


Popular mainly for its intuitive Kanban-style interface, Trello is used for visualizing workflows and also for handling various tasks. With this project management tool, the team can perform various tasks like creating boards for projects, tracking progress with cards, organizing tasks into customizable lists, and more.

Flexibility and simplicity are something that makes it the best option for teams of different sizes, from small companies to larger enterprises.


Slack has transformed team communication in several ways by using instant messaging and collaboration channels rather than using traditional email threads.

Apart from providing text-based communication, Slack supports voice, file sharing, video calls, and also integration with various tools like Notion and Trello.

Slack includes customized notification settings and searchable message archives that increase productivity by minimizing email overload. It also helps in instant decision-making.


Notion acts as an all-in-one workspace that includes project management, note-taking, and also knowledge sharing in a single platform. With the tool, users find it convenient to create databases and kanban boards with customizable pages, which can be linked together too.

It includes robust editor support, collaborative editing and rich media, which makes it a documenting process, managing complicated projects, brainstorming ideas, etc.


Wimi stands for ‘Where Is My Information’ is a comprehensive project management tool. It’s designed mainly for teams that can value both privacy and security. The project management tool includes document versioning, secure file sharing, encrypted messaging, etc.

Wimi has a centralized platform that gives you a kind of guarantee that teams can access the information they require without compromising data security.


Flock serves as a unified platform that combines various things such as project management, team messaging, and productivity tools. It ensures streamlined collaboration.

The tool is similar to Slack and offers various features such as file sharing, real-time messaging, and integration with third-party applications.

Flock includes built-in productivity features like polls, shared to-do lists, and reminders. It helps the team stay fully focused and also well organized based on their goals.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Web Development Tool

While choosing a web development tool, you need to focus on several factors such as scalability, ease of use, community support, etc. Let’s understand some other things that you can consider when choosing the right tool:

  • You can make a thorough assessment to ensure whether or not the tool aligns with your project requirements properly.
  • The learning curve is another crucial thing you should never avoid considering. You need to consider the learning curve for your team and also the compatibility of the tool with your tech stack.
  • You need to gather more information regarding the tool that you wish to choose in terms of its security features, performance, and plugins/extensions.

Wrapping Up

So, above is a list of web development tools that you can consider using. It’s advisable to consider your specific project requirements and goals to select the right tool. You can also opt for professional assistance for the selection of the best web development tools and get in touch with a web app development company.



Which are the best tools for web app development?

Some of the top web development tools are Visual Studio Code, Bootstrap, Sublime Text, Chrome Dev Tools, GitHub, and others.


What are front-end development tools?

Top front-end development tools include Sublime Text, BiBucket, jQuery, Bootstrap, Angular, Chrome DevTools, and more.


Which is the best tool for backend development?

The most popular backend development tools include Django, Node.js, Spring Boot, ASP.NET Core, Flask, and Express.js.


How to check the best web development tools?

To check the best web development tools, you can take into account various factors like knowing your requirements, research, community, and support, determining cost, and more.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.