Blog Summary:

The blog explores ways to outsource Ruby on Rails development. It explains the different reasons for considering ROR outsourcing and the advantages it provides. Moreover, it describes when to outsource Rails development and the steps involved, including defining project goals, choosing a provider, and more. Lastly, the blog concludes by highlighting the roles and responsibilities to clarify during the outsourcing process.

There are rumors that Ruby on Rails is dead. But do you know an interesting fact about the Ruby on Rails framework? More than 3.7 million websites use ROR, so it’s quite clear that the framework is not going anywhere.

Most used web frameworks among developers worldwide

  • Are you looking to run an application with highly specialized tasks in Ruby on Rails?
  • Does your in-house team need to gain the capabilities of ROR development?
  • Do you seek the proper functioning of your development projects with easily accessible talent?

If you are facing any of the difficulties mentioned above, you have landed at the right place. ROR outsourcing will help you access a pool of experienced developers without the burden of in-house recruitment and training.

This blog offers a roadmap to help you understand how to outsource Ruby on Rails development for your business. We’ll start by outlining the requirements and key benefits of outsourcing Ruby on Rails developers.

Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Ruby On Rails Development?

There are misconceptions about why we should only use Ruby on Rails when there are plenty of other frameworks available. So, to answer your question, let’s discuss some of the cases that should be considered for outsourcing Ruby On Rails development.

Ideal for Startups

Finding and hiring technical talents is expensive and time-consuming. That’s why the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework is a favorite for your startup. The framework allows for faster development and is perfect for rapidly creating a minimum viable product.

Thus, startups can launch their product quickly, gather initial users, and start iterating based on their feedback. However, RoR isn’t just for simple web app development. It consists of a rich library of tools, which also makes it suitable for complex backend systems and large databases so your application can grow alongside your business.

MVPs are made easy.

Ruby is a hot favorite framework for developing Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) because it’s both fast and cost-effective. Traditionally, prototypes and concept validations involved multiple software iterations.

However, Ruby on Rails simplifies this process by allowing developers to create functional versions for quick testing and feedback. Hence, ROR is ideal for getting your MVP or proof-of-concept off the ground quickly.

Powerful for eCommerce Stores

The Ruby programming language is popular for developing e-commerce websites. This framework can handle a vast amount of transactions simultaneously, making it a perfect choice for e-commerce businesses. Moreover, it is speedy, flexible, and cost-efficient.

Well-known platforms like Shopify and Spree were initially developed using RoR. While Shopify later transitioned to pure Ruby, RoR remains a go-to option for many e-commerce applications.

Social Networking Applications

This framework excels at building web apps that manage high volumes of traffic. Thus, It’s a strong choice for social networking platforms to consider. In fact, Twitter started as a Ruby on Rails development project.

Today, RoR serves as a fantastic springboard for companies to prototype and test their social networking ideas before investing in extensive development cycles.

Platforms Supporting Complex Databases

The world’s greatest database websites, including analytical portals and multi-platform portals, utilize RoR. Two perfect examples are Bloomberg and GitHub.

Get a Strategic Plan of Action for Outsourcing Your Ruby on Rails Development

Our experts are here to guide you through the complete process of outsourcing your project requirements.


Benefits of ROR Outsourcing

Outsourcing Ruby on Rails development projects has several benefits. It can help rationalize the development process, enhance efficiency, and allow resources to concentrate on core business activities. Let’s explore the advantages in detail:


Outsourcing allows you to utilize the skills of an experienced team to jump right into business. Hence, you can eliminate the time and effort required for recruitment and training in-house developers.


Building an in-house team involves overhead costs. Thus, outsourcing is the best option for eliminating extra expenses and accessing skilled developers in regions with lower labor rates.

Access to specialized expertise

Finding top-tier Ruby on Rails developers can be challenging, especially in smaller locations. Outsourcing opens the global talent pool, giving you access to a wider range of highly skilled professionals with specific expertise for your project.


Project requirements tend to fluctuate. So, when you outsource web development, you get the flexibility to adjust team size based on project requirements. Moreover, you won’t be stuck with a large team during low-demand periods.

Improved Risk Management

An outsourcing partner has established processes and methodologies for mitigating development risks. Hence, you can be rest assured knowing that your project is on track and avoids costly delays.

Increased Focus on Core Competencies

By offloading development tasks, your internal team can focus on their main agenda – your core business functions. This allows you to optimize your internal resources and drive strategic growth.

Streamlined Processes

An experienced Ruby on Rails outsourcing team has well-defined development lifecycles and communication protocols. This leads to minimized setbacks and improved project visibility.

When Can You Outsource Ruby on Rails Development Project?

When you build a web application with Ruby on Rails, it offers a powerful and efficient framework. However, deciding whether to handle development entirely in-house or leverage an outsourced team can be a strategic choice.

Here are key scenarios where outsourcing your Ruby on Rails project can be advantageous:

Limited In-house Expertise

Your internal team might need more Ruby on Rails specialists. Recruiting and training new developers can be time-consuming and expensive. Outsourcing allows you to tap into a global talent pool and find experienced developers for your project’s success.

Tight Deadlines

Meeting aggressive deadlines can be challenging with a limited internal team. Hence, when you outsource your project, you can access a larger development force. Hence, you can work on your project simultaneously across time zones while accelerating the development process.

Cost Considerations

Building an internal team comes with significant overhead costs like salaries, benefits, and equipment. Outsourcing Ruby on Rails offers a cost-effective alternative. You only pay for the development services you need, eliminating the burden of ongoing personnel costs.

Additionally, you can leverage regions with lower development costs, maximizing your budget.

Scalability Needs

Your project might require fluctuating development resources. Hence, Ruby on Rails development outsourcing allows you to scale your development team up or down seamlessly based on project demands. This flexibility eliminates the need to maintain a large in-house team during periods of lower activity.

Complex Projects

Complex projects with intricate features or integrations can benefit from an outsourced team’s diverse skillset. Outsourcing partners often have experience working on various complex projects, bringing valuable knowledge and problem-solving expertise to the table.

Temporary Workload Peaks

Unexpected surges in workload can strain your in-house team’s capacity. Outsourcing allows you to handle these peaks efficiently by adding temporary development resources without the long-term commitment of hiring new full-time employees.

Geographical Expansion

Planning to launch your application in a new market? An external development team with experience in that specific region can be invaluable. Their cultural understanding and knowledge of local regulations can streamline the expansion process.

6 Steps to Outsource Ruby On Rails Development

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when opting to outsource Ruby on Rails development.

6 Steps to Outsource Ruby On Rails Development

Assess Your Needs

Before venturing out, conduct an in-depth exploration of your project requirements. You need to identify the functionalities of your application. Moreover, you need to consider your budget, timeline, and the specific skill sets needed for the project.

Also, check whether you require ongoing maintenance services or just a one-time development effort. A clear understanding of your goals will guide your search for the right outsourcing partner.

Research Potential Outsourcing Partners

After you gather all the requirements, you need to research potential outsourcing partners. Look for established outsourcing companies with experience in Ruby on Rails development. and GoodFirms are reputable platforms for discovering and comparing agencies based on client reviews and project history.

Define Project Scope and Requirements

Once you have a shortlist of potential partners, it’s crucial to define your project scope clearly. This includes detailed documentation outlining features, functionalities, and expected deliverables.

Clearly define success metrics like deadlines, milestones, and quality control procedures. Utilize efficient project management tools like Asana or Trello to ensure transparency and streamline communication.

Negotiate Terms and Agreements

After finalizing the project scope, negotiate a well-defined contract with your chosen partner. The contract should address aspects like:

  • Establish a payment structure that aligns with project milestones or an hourly rate.
  • Ensure ownership of the developed code and functionalities resides with you.
  • Define communication channels, preferred methods (email, project management tools), and response timelines.
  • Protect your sensitive data through a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
  • Outline a clear process for terminating the partnership, if necessary.

Monitor Progress and Communication

It is important to maintain open communication throughout the development process. Establish regular meetings (video calls, instant messaging) to discuss progress, address roadblocks, and ensure alignment with project objectives.

Moreover, you can utilize project management tools for task tracking, version control, and bug reporting.

Review and Evaluate Performance

Schedule regular code reviews with your in-house team (if applicable) or independent reviewers for quality assurance and adherence to best practices. Furthermore, clear criteria for evaluating the developer’s performance against pre-defined goals and deadlines must be established.

Roles and Responsibilities to Check When ROR Outsourcing

When outsourcing Ruby on Rails (RoR) development, a successful partnership hinges on clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Here’s a breakdown of key personnel and their crucial functions:

Project Manager

The project manager is the bridge between your in-house team and the Ruby on Rails outsourcing company. They ensure smooth communication, manage expectations, and proactively address roadblocks.

Moreover, the PM collaborates with you to define project goals, timelines, and deliverables. They break down the project into manageable tasks and create a project plan with milestones.

The PM is completely responsible for clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders. This includes regular status updates, progress reports, and managing any escalation of issues.

Additionally, the PM is responsible for proactively identifying risks and developing mitigation strategies. They also monitor project progress and adjust plans as needed.


The outsourced developers should possess strong Ruby on Rails development skills and be experienced with relevant libraries, frameworks, and best practices.

Additionally, the developers need a clear understanding of your project requirements, including functionalities, user stories, and system architecture.

Developers are also responsible for writing clean, maintainable, and well-documented code. Code quality and adherence to coding standards are essential for long-term project success.

Moreover, in today’s dynamic environment, developers should be comfortable with agile methodologies. They should be able to adapt to changing requirements and iterate quickly.

Quality Assurance

The quality assurance team should have experience testing Rails applications and be proficient in various testing methodologies, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT).

Moreover, the QA team is responsible for identifying bugs, defects, and usability issues throughout the development lifecycle. They should document these issues clearly and work with developers to resolve them.

Implementing automated testing tools can significantly improve efficiency. The QA team should have the expertise to set up and maintain automated test suites. The quality assurance specialists advocate for high-quality standards and ensure the delivered product meets your functional and non-functional requirements.

Communication Liaison

The communication liaison acts as a cultural bridge between your team and the outsourced team. They ensure effective communication despite potential language or time zone differences.

Moreover, the liaison clarifies any ambiguities and ensures both teams understand the context of communication. They translate technical jargon for smoother knowledge transfer.

Active listening skills are also crucial for the liaison. They accurately capture the needs and concerns of both sides and relay them effectively. Additionally, the liaison fosters a collaborative environment where both teams feel comfortable communicating openly and addressing issues constructively.

Data Security Officer

The DSO is responsible for ensuring the security of your data throughout the development process. They implement necessary security protocols and standards.

Moreover, the DSO conducts a thorough risk assessment to identify potential security vulnerabilities. They propose mitigation strategies to protect your data from unauthorized access or breaches.

The DSO also ensures adherence to relevant data privacy regulations. Depending on your industry, this might include regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

The DSO also communicates security policies and best practices to both internal and outsourced teams and may also conduct security awareness training to educate personnel.

Are You Looking to Build Software Using the Power-packed ROR Framework?

Moon Tehnolabs offers the complete package you need to execute your Ruby on Rails development project.



This concludes our guide to help you outsource Ruby on Rails development. Now, you can harness the exceptional advantages of outsourcing your Ruby on Rails development needs.

Finding the right web app development company is like choosing a contractor for your dream home. A team that needs more skills will lead to costly repairs and lasting problems. Just like building a solid foundation for your house, selecting the right development team is crucial for the success of your application.

At Moon Technolabs, our team of expert Ruby on Rails developers has a proven track record of exceeding client expectations across various industries.
{“@context”:””,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Does Ruby have a future?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Yes. Ruby on Rails is an ever-evolving programming language for web development. The demand for rails developers is also high, and big companies like Shopify and GitHub are implementing it. Moreover, the recent version 7 update clearly depicts that it’s an evolving language. Therefore, Ruby on Rails development is not going anywhere. This language does have a bright future.\n”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is AIRBNB still using Ruby on Rails?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Yes, Airbnb still uses Ruby on Rails for its backend infrastructure. In fact, many other companies are still using the Ruby on Rails framework despite its declining reputation. The major advantage of companies incorporating this framework is its flexibility and ability to handle high user volumes.\n”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Which companies used ruby on rails on the backend?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Airbnb, GitHub, Crunchbase, Shopify, Etsy, and Twitter are some of the well-known companies that have used and incorporated the Ruby on Rails framework for the backend architecture. \n”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Is Ruby on Rails good for a startup?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Yes, Ruby on Rails is a good choice for startups because of its speed and user-friendliness. ROR allows startups to quickly build and iterate on a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test with users. Startups need to get their product to market fast. Rails also has a large community and plenty of resources available. \n”}}]}



Does Ruby have a future?

Yes. Ruby on Rails is an ever-evolving programming language for web development. The demand for rails developers is also high, and big companies like Shopify and GitHub are implementing it. Moreover, the recent version 7 update clearly depicts that it’s an evolving language. Therefore, Ruby on Rails development is not going anywhere. This language does have a bright future.


Is AIRBNB still using Ruby on Rails?

Yes, Airbnb still uses Ruby on Rails for its backend infrastructure. In fact, many other companies are still using the Ruby on Rails framework despite its declining reputation. The major advantage of companies incorporating this framework is its flexibility and ability to handle high user volumes.


Which companies used ruby on rails on the backend?

Airbnb, GitHub, Crunchbase, Shopify, Etsy, and Twitter are some of the well-known companies that have used and incorporated the Ruby on Rails framework for the backend architecture.


Is Ruby on Rails good for a startup?

Yes, Ruby on Rails is a good choice for startups because of its speed and user-friendliness. ROR allows startups to quickly build and iterate on a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test with users. Startups need to get their product to market fast. Rails also has a large community and plenty of resources available.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.