Blog Summary:

This is a handy guide for entrepreneurs looking for accurate HR software pricing. From the HR management software overview to its benefits and key features, you’ll get to know everything. Additionally, there’s a thorough comparison of top HR software options. Finally, we’ll help you choose the right HR and also provide a perfect recommendation for your business.

In today’s business world, managing human resources effectively is crucial, regardless of company size. However, with economic uncertainties, choosing the right HR software is more important than ever.

This guide examines the factors influencing HR software pricing to help you find the best solution under your budget. We’ll cover everything from free plans (and their limitations) to monthly subscription costs and additional expenses for advanced features.

After reading this blog, you’ll thoroughly understand today’s HR software price landscape. Hence, you’ll be easily able to make informed decisions for your workforce.

What is HR Management Software?

Human resource management software, or HRMS, is a digital tool that simplifies all the tasks handled by the HR department. Hence, the HR team can emphasize developing more strategic initiatives.

HR software has undergone a dramatic transformation. The early applications started in the 1970s. Afterward, the 1990s internet boom brought widespread adoption with the introduction of web-based solutions. By the late 1990s and mid-2000s, larger companies were widely using HR systems.

Today, there are mostly cloud-based HRM softwares with subscription hosting plans. These softwares are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing systems and are highly customizable to fit the specific needs, goals, and budgets of any organization. So, all types of organizations, irrespective of size and industry, can now have an HR solution.

Moon HRM is a complete package for modernizing business operations. It facilitates every business size, from startups to large corporations.

Moon HRM boasts extensive features, including employee onboarding and login, leave and attendance management, time tracking, project management, etc.

How Does HR Software Help Businesses & Employees?

HR software plays a huge role in managing employee-related activities from recruitment to retirement. It also allows for the automation of tedious tasks such as payroll processing, benefits administration, and more.

Moreover, you can track leaves and absent statuses. The HR management software also allows you to keep all employee information organized and secure.

It also acts as performance management software, allowing users to set goals, conduct performance reviews, and track employee progress efficiently. Additionally, the HR team gains valuable insights into workforce demographic trends and identifies areas for improvement.

HR software benefits employees, too, by offering self-service options for tasks like requesting time off or updating personal information. In short, it’s a win-win for both HR and employees, making the entire HR process smoother and more efficient.

Streamline Your Hiring with Custom HR Software

Moon Technolabs can develop HR software tailored to your business, saving you time and money.


Top 8 Benefits of Using HR Software

A human resource management system offers various benefits, including streamlining HR processes, improving accuracy, and empowering employees. Let’s explore them:

Efficiency and Time Savings

HR software streamlines workflows by automating repetitive tasks like payroll, benefits administration, and time-off requests. This boosts team efficiency and minimizes time spent on paperwork.

Improved Accuracy

Manual data entry may lead to errors. HR software minimizes human error by automating calculations and data entry, ensuring consistent and accurate record-keeping.

Data Management and Reporting

With HRM software, you can centralize employee data to easily track information, generate reports, and gain insights into your workforce. This way, you can make informed decision-making quickly.

Enhanced Compliance

HR software automates tasks like tracking training completion and managing leave requests. Hence, it highly ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations.

Employee Self-Service

Through the employee portal, employees can directly access their payslips. They can also update personal information, request leave, and submit other requests. Hence, it allows your staff to manage their HR needs without having to and reduces the burden on HR staff.

Talent Management

HR software also facilitates talent management, from the recruitment process to the onboarding of new hires and performance management. It also identifies skill gaps and plans out future talent requirements.

Performance Tracking

HR software helps track employee performance metrics, goals, and feedback. It also allows for data-driven performance reviews and enables determining the chance of progress.


HR software is developed to adapt to your company’s growth. As your workforce expands, the system can handle the increased data volume and users, ensuring your core HR processes remain efficient.

8 Key Features to Consider in HRM Software

The features explained below are essential to streamlining HR processes, improving efficiency, and empowering employees. Let’s check them out:

Payroll Management

One of the core and basic features of HR software solutions is automated payroll processing. It automatically calculates salary, tax deductions, etc. Moreover, you can streamline direct deposits and paychecks. Hence, errors are reduced, and time is saved in payroll processing.

Time and Attendance Tracking

The next is time & attendance tracking, where employees’ worked hours, breaks, and overtime are calculated automatically. It can be easily integrated with time clocks or mobile punching. Moreover, it analyzes productivity and generates payroll reports.

Recruitment and Onboarding

This is also an important feature to manage job postings, applications, and interview scheduling. Moreover, it simplifies onboarding with digital paperwork and role-specific information. It also improves the new hire experience and reduces time and productivity.

Employee Self-Service Portal

The HR software provides self-service access to payslips, benefits information, and personal data updates. It also streamlines HR processes, saving valuable time for both employees and HR professionals.

Performance Management

HR professionals can use the software to define targets. It also tracks progress, provides feedback, and conducts performance reviews to determine areas for improvement.

Benefits Administration

The HR software also facilitates the admin department’s management of enrollment, deductions, and communication for health insurance, retirement plans, etc.

Compliance Management

Another benefit is that HR software tracks and manages regulatory requirements related to employees. Moreover, it helps prevent penalties for non-compliance.

Training and Development

The HR software also tracks training completion and identifies skill gaps. You can manage learning materials and assign training sessions through the software itself. It also helps develop employee skills and knowledge to improve performance.

Quick Tabular Comparison of Top 5 HR Softwares

Below, we have listed some of the important features to compare to which human resource information system stands out!

Feature Pocket HRMS Moon HRM BambooHR Zoho People
Pricing Model Per Employee Per Month Yearly/Monthly Plan Per User Per Month Per Employee Per Month
Starting Price ₹50 ₹40 $5 ₹49
Target User Base Small & Medium Businesses Small & Medium Businesses Small Businesses All Sizes
Employee Screen Monitoring No Yes No Not Directly
Attendance & Leave Management Yes Yes Yes Yes
Employee Portal & onboarding Yes Yes Yes Yes
Remote Work Management Yes Yes N/A Yes

How Much Does HRM Software Cost?

The vendor’s pricing model plays a role in HR software costs. Let’s have a look at some expected ranges:

HR Software Price Ranges
One-time Licenses $500-$100,000+
SaaS Subscription-based Model $3–$3500+ per employee, per month

One-time Licenses

Traditionally, on-premise HR software is sold with a one-time perpetual license. Here, you need to pay an upfront cost for the software itself and any additional equipment.

The perpetual license requires a significant upfront investment. This includes the software, new hardware, integrations, and IT staff. It is required to get the system running smoothly and maintain it.

Additionally, there are ongoing costs to consider. Both the software and hardware may need upgrades, repairs, or replacements in the future.

Software as a Service Subscription-based Model

Cloud-based HRM systems typically use subscription pricing. Organizations are required to pay annual or monthly subscription fees to access the software on an ongoing basis. The number of employees or users with administrative rights often determines the cost.

Moreover, some HR software vendors charge a base monthly fee on top of the per-employee or per-user cost.

Subscription-based pricing incurs a fixed monthly or annual fee. However, companies benefit from frequent software updates, access to new features, and reduced data security burdens. Additionally, many subscription plans offer tiered access, allowing businesses to scale their solutions.

Factors that Impact HR Software Pricing

The cost of HR software depends on several factors, including the type of software you choose, how many and what kind of users will need it, and what features it offers. Moreover, what additional hardware or maintenance is required, as well as the training and support you need, are also important.

Number of Users

Many HR software providers charge based on the number of people using the system, i.e., the number of employees. So, if your company uses HR software with a subscription, your monthly bill will fluctuate as the number of your employees changes.

Be aware that many HR software vendors define “users” differently. Some consider only administrators like HR, IT, or management responsible for maintaining the system as users. It significantly impacts the total cost. To avoid surprises, investigate how each HR software vendor defines users for their platform.

Deployment Method (Cloud vs On-premises)

Cloud-based SaaS Development Services are generally more affordable upfront. Subscription fees cover hosting and maintenance and often include updates and some support. However, depending on the subscription plan and duration, long-term costs can add up.

Another is the on-premises option, which requires a significant upfront investment in software licenses and installation. It offers more control over data security but also incurs ongoing maintenance and IT support costs.

Customization Requirements

HR software costs increase with feature complexity. Many solutions offer a basic package with additional features available for a higher price. These “add-ons,” integrations, and custom workflows can significantly inflate the overall cost.

To stay on budget, businesses should prioritize essential HR features over desirable but non-critical ones. This allows them to invest in must-haves now and add bells and whistles later when finances permit.

Integration Capabilities

HR software gets pricier with better integration features. Complex integrations require more development work from the software vendor. This can be a per-integration fee or raise your overall subscription cost.

If your company uses many separate systems, expect to pay a premium for HR software that talks to them all. For basic standalone needs, simpler software with fewer integrations might be more affordable.

Support and Maintenance

In addition to the initial HR software prices, ongoing support and maintenance fees impact costs. These fees ensure the software stays updated, functions smoothly, and addresses technical issues. Consider HR software providers offering various support tiers to fit your needs.

Vendor Reputation and Experience

Established vendors with a proven track record offer greater reliability, security, and expertise during software implementation and ongoing support. Consider both cost and the value a vendor’s experience brings to your specific needs.

Implementation and Training Costs

Implementing new software often requires customization and employee training. Factor in this one-time fee when comparing pricing. Some vendors may offer bundled packages, including implementation process and training, while others may charge separately.

Scalability Options

As your company grows, your HR needs will change. Choose software that scales to accommodate additional users, features, or data storage. Scalable solutions may cost more upfront but can save money in the long run compared to replacing software entirely.

Data Security and Storage Features

HR software stores sensitive employee information. Look for features like encryption, access controls, and secure data storage to ensure compliance and protect privacy. Stronger security features may come at a higher cost, but safeguarding sensitive data is crucial.

Ways to Determine the Return on Investment (ROI) of HRM Software

HRM ROI, or Human Resource Management Return on Investment, shows the value your HR initiatives bring to the company. It’s not as simple as a price tag, but it can be measured!

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Define Goals & Track Data
  • First, identify what your HR programs aim to achieve. Is it reducing turnover, improving employee engagement, or boosting productivity? Then, choose metrics to track progress. This involves employee satisfaction surveys, turnover rates, or sales figures if HR initiatives impact sales skills.

  • Cost It Out
  • Track all the costs associated with your HR programs, including salaries, training expenses, and software fees. Be thorough!

  • Benefits vs. Costs

Now comes the magic formula:

ROI = (Benefits – Costs) / Costs x 100

Plug in your data—the difference between benefits (improved performance, reduced costs) and program costs—and calculate the percentage. A positive ROI indicates that your HR efforts are creating value.

How to Choose the Right HRM Software Provider?

Start by pinpointing your HR pain points. Are you facing difficulties with onboarding, managing payroll, or tracking employee performance? If yes, then identifying these gaps will guide your search for features.

Research and shortlist different HRM software options. Look for vendors with strong reputations and features that align with your needs. After that, user reviews and industry recognition should be considered. Moon HRM boasts a user-friendly interface, robust features, and excellent customer support, making it a strong contender.

Then, you can compare all the options and request product demos. You can see how the software functions, ask questions and ensure it integrates with your existing systems. Moon HRM offers personalized demos tailored to your specific requirements.

HRM software pricing varies. Consider upfront costs, monthly subscriptions, and any hidden fees. Moon HRM provides flexible pricing plans that scale with your business size, ensuring you get the value you deserve.

Attract & Retain Top Talent with Moon HRM

Streamline human resources, empower managers, and boost employee satisfaction.

Get Moon HRM Today!

Bottom Line

HR software empowers the human resource team to ditch the busy work and focus on what matters. It streamlines tasks, saving them hours and allowing them to tackle strategic initiatives.

Comprehensive HRIS platforms are ideal for larger teams (50+ employees) and start at $100/month. However, depending on the features, costs can rise to $400-$800/month. If you need just payroll, recruiting, scheduling, or onboarding, then you can consider standalone HR tools! Feature-rich options start under $100/month.



How much does HR software cost?

The monthly subscription fee for HR software is $30-$50, plus the monthly per-employee cost, which ranges from $5-$10. If you own a small business, the total monthly cost can range from around $150. However, a large company with huge employee strength costs hundreds of dollars per month. Free HR software plans are also available, but they come with fewer robust features.


What are the factors that impact HR software pricing?

The key factors impacting HR software costs are: 1. Employee count 2. Features & Functionality 3. Deployment Type 4. Implementation & Technical Support 5. Integrations 6. Contract Length


How much does HR technology cost per employee?

On average, a company spends approximately $40 per employee per month on HR tools and services. However, the costs fluctuate depending on the specific features needed. For instance, basic attendance tracking software might cost around $3.50 per employee per month. In contrast, a comprehensive HRIS that handles everything from payroll processing to performance management costs around $99 per user monthly.


How much does it cost to implement an HR system?

The cost of an HR system depends on whether you are opting for custom development or existing systems. Existing HR softwares starts at $5 per employee per month with basic features. However, it goes up to $100+ for advanced features. Meanwhile, custom development provides full flexibility but is costlier. Basic HR software development costs $50,000-$150,000, while HR software systems with more advanced features cost $500,000+.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.