App Development Costs In the US

Mobile apps have become the primary vehicle for businesses to reach customers. Mobile apps are abundant in the market for various purposes. The main query of business owners is the cost required to develop an app. App development costs in the US depend on various factors, from the cost of developers to the design and functionalities integrated into the app.

Let’s discuss the major factors influencing App Development Costs In the US.

Type of App

The type has a huge impact on the costs of creating an app. There are multiple categories of apps, such as e-commerce, news, health, games, lifestyle, dating, and more. The type of app impacts the types of users, features, number of displays, server architecture, functions, and more.

Apps such as QR code scanners, directories, calculators, clocks, static content apps, and other similar kinds are the simplest because their purpose is not multifold. The costs of developing simple apps are much lower than other apps.

Database apps allow users to search for information and view results, enter data, track locations using GPS, and much more. Such apps must be linked to external databases requiring high-level programming and high-end APIs. As a result, the costs of developing database apps are high.

Social networking apps fall under the category of high-cost apps. This is because a more complex development process is required to develop social networking apps. The basic features of such apps necessitating high-level development include handling chats and videos, supporting millions of users and their interactions, enabling seamless information sharing, and more.

E-commerce mobile apps require many features, such as user registration, product catalogues, social media integration, payment gateways, and more. Thus, the app development costs are much higher than for simple apps.

On-demand apps cost more than social networking and e-commerce apps because they combine the features of both apps. On-demand apps connect users with service providers. The best examples of such apps are taxi services and food delivery apps.

Features and Functionalities

The cost to create an app, known as App Development Costs In the US, is hugely impacted by the features and functionalities to be implemented in the app. The sky is the limit regarding features and functionalities that can be integrated into the app because there is no shortage of options. However, the kinds of features and functions required in the app depend upon the specific requirements of the app owner.

The features and functions to be implemented in the app largely depend upon the nature of the app. For instance, a social media app would need many features such as chatting, uploading videos and images, onboarding users, and more. The app development team gives expert advice on the types of additional features which would benefit the app.

In a nutshell, the greater the number of features and functions in the app, the more the development cost. Complex features such as virtual or augmented reality and IoT device synchronization also tend to increase the development cost.


The platform for which the app is to be developed is an essential consideration in answering the question of how much it costs to make an app. Whether the app is to support Android, iOS, or Windows or all three platforms affects the timeline and the cost of development of the app. If the app is to be developed for multiple platforms, the main consideration is whether to opt for a native or hybrid app.

In the case of a native app, the developer needs to write separate codes for all the platforms, such as Android, iOS, and Windows. This increases the development cost, but there are several advantages associated with native apps, such as higher responsiveness and smoother user experience compared to hybrid apps due to platform-specific code, more flexibility to integrate more features and functions, and more security.

Hybrid apps cost less than native apps because only a single codebase is required across platforms. However, hybrid apps are inferior in speed, performance, and optimization compared to native apps and do not provide a uniform user experience across platforms.

Thus, the mobile app development cost depends on the app owner’s preference for single or multiple platforms and native or hybrid apps based on budget.

Development Process

Opting for a waterfall or agile development process significantly affects app cost. The two methods differ, and the corresponding costs are also at variance.

The waterfall process is a highly systematic app development process. The most important step in this process is a comprehensive documentation of the entire process before the commencement of the development. The step-by-step process, from wireframing and codebase to API integration and others, is laid out, and the development process follows it to the letter. The exact cost of development is known beforehand. Still, there is little flexibility, and the timeline can increase, especially when new details not accounted for in the documentation come to the fore.

The agile process does not proceed in a set pattern. There is minimal documentation before the commencement of the process. The developers keep adding and adjusting features and other details on the go instead of following a clear plan. There is a lot of room for making improvements and innovations. However, the development cost can increase than the initial estimate.


Design cannot be ignored when answering the question of how much it costs to develop an app. The level of complexity of the app has a profound impact on its development cost. The greater the complexity of the app, the more the timeline of development and the greater the cost.

An app having a simple design with a limited number of screens, minimal layout, few features, and no data storage would require very few integrations and features. Backend development is not required if the app does not handle much data. Consequently, the development cost is less.

Custom-designed apps are much more complex because many third-party integrations, frameworks, and libraries are used to impart the required specific features and functionalities. The app development cost is much more as compared to simple apps.

Database and Content Management System

The need for a database and content management system increases the average cost of developing an app. An app required to store user-generated data such as videos, images, and comments needs a database. A content management system is required if the app owner wants to add, delete or edit data contained in the app.

Integrating both database and CMS into the app leads to more development costs.

Data Security

Data Security is an important concern, especially if the app stores the sensitive personal data of the users. The app should provide complete security for passwords, user data, and other information. To this end, necessary data security measures must be implemented in the app.

Security measures must be considered to calculate how much an application costs. Data security increases the cost of app development, but lack of data security makes the app vulnerable to malware attacks, hacking and other cyberattacks.

Deployment and Maintenance

The total cost of developing an app also includes the cost of hosting and domain registration fees. The cost of publishing the app on the Play Store or App Store must also be added to the overall development cost. Google Play Store charges a one-off fee of $25, while Apple’s App Store charges $99 annually.

Maintenance costs include updating the app to include new features and fixing bugs that tend to crop up occasionally.

Cost Breakdown | App Development Costs In the US

The App Development Costs In US can be divided into design, features, platforms, development process, functional costs, infrastructure costs, security, and maintenance. Our average app development cost ranges between $10,000 for simple apps and $350,000 for feature-rich complex apps.


The factors mentioned above, in the context of the specific requirements of the app owner, determine the exact cost estimate of the app development process. The expertise of the app development company is also an important cost factor; let’s connect with Moon Technolabs to get final estimations.

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Do you have an app development cost calculator?

Yes. The calculator estimates the app development cost based on the details entered by the users.


How much does it cost to run an app?

Depends upon a host of factors such as design, features, compatible platforms, and more.


Do you provide low-cost mobile app development?

Yes. We provide mobile app development at cost-effective rates.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.