Ever since the launch of Android and iOS a decade earlier, there has been the hottest of rivalries between the two tech giants, Google and Apple. Today, in 2023, both mobile operating systems are at the top of their game, and making a comparison between them requires expert analysis.

There is no straight answer to which mobile OS is better. Both operating systems are versatile in their way, with some features being better in iOS, and some better in Android. In terms of global market share, Android wins the competition.

A detailed report from Statcounter records that Android accounts for 71.45% of the global mobile operating system market share as compared to iOS which holds a share of 27.83%.  This doesn’t mean that Android is the preferred mobile OS over iOS.

It’s like saying Toyota is preferred to BMW because it cruises up in numbers. There are so many aspects such as luxury, cost, performance, etc that come into play when people purchase a given product.

First-world countries like the USA, UK, and Canada have dominating iOS market shares in comparison to Android. The United States of America accounts for 57.43% of the iOS market share compared to Android’s 42.29% market share. So you do get the point, there are a lot of factors you need to consider before judging which mobile OS is better.

In this article, we will discuss the various parameters of Android vs iOS development, giving you all the intel you need before you choose the best operating system for your mobile app development.

Let’s get started!

Android vs iOS Development

While in the process of choosing between Android vs iOS for mobile app development, there are several things to consider. Both Android apps, as well as iOS apps, have specific core strengths that distinguish them from each other. You need to chart out what parameters you want to cover with our mobile application.

Here, we will be exploring the different aspects of Android vs iOS apps and their development.

User experience

You know what the iPhone does best – it’s the user experience. Both Android and iOS have stunning UI where apps and widgets occupy the screen space in a distinct manner. iOS user experience is the best as it’s very aesthetic and likable. Let’s look at how the UX differs in Android devices with respect to iOS devices.

  • Typography: The fonts in iOS mobile apps are very distinct and clear to follow when compared to Android apps.
  • Color code: Android apps are inclined to have pushy and bold colors whereas iOS apps have a minimalist color code with more textured elements.
  • Push notifications: They are more resplendent in Android devices thanks to the flashy design aspects compared to the simple touches in iOS.
  • Navigation: Android devices have drop-down list components for browsing through applications which is great. iOS navigation is much simpler as it shows previous tabs more conveniently.
  • Apps Icons and Buttons: There is more diversity in Android app icons and buttons but clean aesthetics and minimalist outlook of iOS app icons and buttons are effective.

Verdict: The user experience is excellent in iOS apps as they function seamlessly with higher boot speeds in comparison to Android apps. That being said, user interface customization can be done to a great extent only in Android apps as they are based on fragment architecture compared to the fixed model view-controller design architecture in iOS.

Security and Privacy

Android apps are fully functional and available across multiple devices and smartphones making it easier for third parties to breach them. Right from its conception, iOS apps have had strict security and privacy protocols that make it hard for any malware to climb into them. There are a lot of guidelines to follow before an app can be published in the Apple app store, not to mention its strict policy of allowing only one copy of a particular app on its iOS devices per user.

  • Device compatibility: iOS apps can only be accessed on Apple devices and that gives sole authority to Apple to formulate privacy-adherent guidelines that are far superior to Android apps that can be installed on multiple devices.
  • Software updates: iOS apps are more secure as Apple releases the latest iOS software that appends tight security protocols. Android app security is dependent on the device as the latest software updates may not be accessible to all Android devices.
  • App pilferage: Apple’s security guidelines entitle ownership of only one copy of a particular iOS app in one device compared to multiple app copies that can be maintained in Android devices.
  • Closed ecosystem: Both Google and Apple have a secure ecosystem but the larger device access to Android apps allows malicious third parties to attack Android applications compared to iOS apps.
  • Security enhancement: Each upgrade in Apple’s iOS has an enhanced security measure that keeps its devices heavily protected from malware compared to Google’s security updates.

App Development time

The time taken to build a mobile application for both iOS as well as Android can take anywhere between 3-6 months. It depends on the complexity of the project you want to develop and how seamlessly the app development project is carried through. Having a clear vision before beginning app design and development saves time, cost, and effort.

  • Based on tools: iOS app development is considered to be easier with Swift UI, the latest version of its programming language. Android app development takes much more time as the fragment-architecture concept in Java requires stage-by-stage development. Developing android apps using Kotlin is time-saving.
  • Complexity: Both iOS and Android development will take time if you require complex layouts and element integrations. Using updated tools minimizes complexity.
  • App store guidelines: Android’s app store guidelines are very flexible compared to the Apple app store. Tailoring an iOS app perfect for the store is time-consuming in the publishing phase.
  • Device check: Android developers need to test the application on multiple devices before approving it in comparison to ioS developers who just need to check for the iPhone or iPad.
  • Customization: It’s very easy to customize elements in Android with Android Studio and Eclipse enhancing the app development time in comparison to iOS apps.

Verdict: The time required to develop both iOS and Android applications depend on the complexity of the project. Both iOS and Android apps can be developed faster using the latest tools.

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Cost for App Development

The major predicament for mobile app development for both Android phones and iPhones is the cost. You will have a pre-decided budget for the development of your iOS and Android apps and how much you can spend for the development process. The cost depends on many factors such as the complexity to create Android apps with advanced features, or iOS apps with versatility.

The budget to develop native iOS and Android applications can go anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 and even more if you want to integrate modern solutions like IoT, AI, and blockchain. Both Android and iOS users prefer apps today that are trendy. So you might want to include these integrations that land more downloads in Apple’s app store and the Google Play Store.

Verdict: On a general note, iOS app development is costlier as customization, intricacies of visual design and backend infrastructure, and the number of features to develop take time.

Programming Languages

Android developers use different programming languages like Java and Kotlin to program Android applications. Although Java gives developers more freedom to build customized elements and design features, the fragment-partition architecture of the language makes it hard to implement it.

In contrast, Swift UI and Swift need very little fragmentation and app elements can be easily implemented with a streamlined coding process.

  • Coding flexibility: In terms of the flexibility Android developers have to customize applications to the level they want, Android wins the battle. Swift UI in iOS doesn’t allow much customization.
  • Language ease: iOS languages such as Swift UI is straightforward for developers to code and build powerful mobile apps with respect to Android’s Java or Kotlin which is difficult to code.
  • Code adaptability: The same code built for an iOS app works across iOS devices but the code for Android apps needs to be fine-tuned to perform well across all Android devices.
  • Open source: Android’s source code languages are open source and can be modified by developers to customize Android apps compared to iOS’s closed source code language.
  • Code modification: It is easier to modify iOS app codes as they operate in a view-and-control model with little fragmentation. Android app code modification is difficult as the entire code needs to be rewritten.

Verdict: Depending on the tool and infrastructure the ease of the app development process can be judged or executed. It’s all about the experience of the app developers and the tools that make it so.


Google Maps is the most advanced mobile map that’s out there now. Android scores a point for map features compared to Apple’s maps which are not that advanced, in retrospect. Most iOS users have complained of technical difficulty in accessing remote locations with Apple maps. As far as Google Maps is concerned, the GPS tracking is perfect.

  • Cross-platform: Android users can use Google Maps explicitly but iOS users can use the native Apple Maps as well as Google Maps.
  • Map design: The user experience of Google Maps on Android devices is exceptional thanks to the bright colors in comparison to Apple Maps that’s a bit plain.
  • Features: Both Apple, as well as Google Maps, have various view models such as satellite, terrain, and 3D. But Google Maps in Android devices render the best of these features.
  • Navigation ease: Google Maps is very accurate in navigating the user to the correct location via short routes whereas users find it hard to navigate using Apple Maps.
  • Overall usability: Maps have to direct you to the correct location and Android’s Google Maps succeeds in that aspect to Apple Maps.

Verdict: Google Maps are far better than Apple Maps in almost every aspect considering upfront navigation. However, there are iOS users who prefer Apple Maps, especially in the USA.

App downloads

According to a mobile app development study report, the growth in app downloads in Google’s Play Store has been 31% in comparison to Apple’s 2.5% growth rate. Clearly, there’s a great margin in Android app downloads in comparison to that of iOS apps. Technically it’s because there are more Android users than Apple users.

Verdict: Android is clearly the winner in app downloads margin. However, iOS apps are more popular amongst region-specific users.

Voice assistant

With the latest OS releases, both Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant have become very effective. However, in the iOS vs Android voice assistant battle, Google Assistant is a head notch above as it’s an expert in identifying user intent thanks to Android’s integrated development environment. There are certain features where Siri performs better.

  • Specific response: Android’s Google Assistant is great as it understands user intent and displays search results accordingly in comparison to Siri.
  • AI intelligence: Google’s Assistant is encoded with deep learning machine algorithms that understand user queries more efficiently than iOS voice assistants.
  • Voice tonality: There’s a general liking towards Apple’s Siri when it comes to voice preference. The matter is debatable and you may personally prefer Google Assistant’s voice tonality.
  • Automation: You can access multiple CTAs with the Google Assistant like ordering via Swiggy compared to the limited Apple assistant.
  • Inter-usability: The advantage of iOS devices is that you can use Siri and Google Assistant but Android devices can only use Google Assistant.

Verdict: Android’s Google Assistant is a clear winner in terms of understanding user intention and directing them accordingly. Apple’s Siri has reportedly a more personal touch.

Pre-Installed Apps

Both Android and iOS software have pre-installed, stock apps that provide instant information to users about critical information like weather, temperature, and others. You can access the web, email, documents, and notes on the native OS. Apple weighs better than Google’s Android concerning pre-installed apps.

  • Calls and messaging: Apple’s custom messaging app, iMessage is a natural hit with a likable UI and instant messaging features compared to the Android messaging app.
  • Music: Garage Band of iOS has been the favorite music recording tool of Apple users and is better than Android’s default music recording apps.
  • Podcast: Apple Podcast has reportedly had many users and you would like to consider that if you’re releasing a podcast-based application.
  • Health monitoring: Google fit is the custom health app for Android but iOS’s Apple Health app is more welcoming and interactive to use.
  • Overall likeability: Apple has done a great job in personalizing on-demand apps and giving the right tonality to them for instant likeability and interaction.

Verdict: With an iOS app, you get an audience base that’s very comfortable with Apple’s UI and pre-installed apps. On the other hand, Android application development demands a standout performance to provide the exact feel that iPhone users get.


It’s very important to customize your app to the ideal mobile application that your potential customers would love to use. Android app development allows you to customize your application way more than you could do with iOS app development. Nitty-gritty details can be incorporated into your apps with Android development.

If you’re having a mobile commerce application, you can design the frontiers of your in-app purchases. Also, the Android SDK development kit and Android studio enable app developers to facilitate the great performance of your Android application with powerful technologies integrated.

The fact that Android users get to use multiple browsers, email, and web applications in comparison to iPhone users who can only use Safari and other default applications is an added advantage. So, you know that the Android operating system is higher in this regard for native app development.

Verdict: For customization purposes, Android is the instant favorite, but that doesn’t downplay iOS as you can build powerful applications with its operating system.

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Technology Stack for Android app development

Here’s the tech stack for Android app development. Android app developers use these tools, and programming languages to build Android apps that Android users tend to like.

Language: Kotlin, Java

Platform: XML, Android Studio

Libraries: RetroFit, Glide, Volley, Picasso, Dagger, Google Play Services, Gson, Firebase, Butter Knife

Database: SQLite, Room

Architecture: MVVM, MVC, MVP

Tools: Android SDK Android NDK

Technologies Stack for iOS app development

Here’s the tech stack that iOS app developers use to build powerful iOS applications.

Language: Swift, Objective C

Libraries: Alamofire, Firebase, Google Map, Kingfisher, AWSS3, SwiftyStoreKit, PromiseKit, ObjectMapper, SwiftyXMLParser, SocialMediaSDK, StripeSDK

Tools: Xcode (IDE), Git, Asana, Jira, PMS, Bit Bucket

Database: SQLite, CoreData

Architecture: MVC, MVMM, VIPER

Significant differences between Android vs iOS development

Trademark iOS Android
User experience Phenomenal user experience with minimalistic color code and seamless navigation Decent UX with many options to customize the home screen with widgets and cool apps
Privacy Strict privacy protocols ensure no third-party breaches Chances for malware if not updated to the latest software
App development time Depends on the complexity of the project Depends on how much customization is required
Cost $10,000 to $100,000 – Varies according to project complexity and app development model $10,000 to $100,000 – Varies according to project complexity and app development model
Programming language Swift UI, Swift, Objective C Java, Kotlin
Customization Limited customization features because of iOS restrictions Ultimate customization is possible owing to the immense flexibility

So which platform to choose first?

So what should you choose – iOS or Android? Depending on your requirement, you can choose between Android and iOS development. If you are targeting the local market, then make sure you consider the app’s popularity in that region. For instance, North America has more iOS users in comparison to Asia or Europe which has more Android users.

If you still have doubts regarding which mobile OS you should go for, don’t worry, Moon Technolabs has the best mobile app developers who know what’s best for each individual business model. They use the latest development tools along with cross-platform development tools and develop apps that will boost your business growth.

Let’s get started!



Is iOS development more profitable than Android?

It depends on your target audience. The market share of both Android applications and iOS apps is good accounting for worldwide smartphone users. Take the decision based on factors like audience, intent, and customization requirements.


Do programmers prefer iOS or Android?

Programmers prefer both Android and iOS development. It depends on how they relate to it. The integrated development environment of the Android studio allows our app developer to customize apps. In contrast, iOS app developers love the simplicity of the development environment.


Is iOS safer than Android?

Yes, iOS is safer than Android because of its closed ecosystem and strict policies, and guidelines, that make it very difficult for third parties to breach. Android OS is safe when updated to the latest version.


Is mobile development better than web development?

In today’s context, mobile development has an inch above web development as there are many smartphone users compared to web users. However, both are equally important to hit diverse online marketing objectives.


What can iOS do that Android can’t?

iOS can do so much that Android can’t. For instance, quirky features like drag and drop, and custom iPhone apps like iMessage and Facetime are explicit to iOS and just phenomenal to use. With every iOS update, there are custom features introduced that most matter to smartphone users, not just fancy features.
About Author

Jayanti Katariya is the CEO of Moon Technolabs, a fast-growing IT solutions provider, with 18+ years of experience in the industry. Passionate about developing creative apps from a young age, he pursued an engineering degree to further this interest. Under his leadership, Moon Technolabs has helped numerous brands establish their online presence and he has also launched an invoicing software that assists businesses to streamline their financial operations.