16  Blockchain Programming Language For Blockchain App Development 

Blockchain is considered to be a disruptive technology like AI and machine learning. Apart from Bitcoin, it is being used in many other sectors, such as cross-border payments, healthcare, agriculture, and more. However, the most important and popular manifestation of blockchain technology is Bitcoin.

Blockchain Programming Language in 2023 

1. Java 2. Python 3. Solidity 4. PHP 5. C++ 6. JavaScript

7. Go  8. C#  9. Ruby  10. SQL  11. Rholang  12. Simplicity  13. Rust  14. Erlang  15. CX  16. Elm

How Much Does It Cost To Make An App Via Blockchain Programming Language?

The cost incurred to develop a blockchain app depends upon several factors, such as the size of the app, app type, the app’s complexity level, hourly rate of the block chain developer, and the app platform.

Let’s connect with Moon Technolabs to know the final cost estimation for your app.