Web Application Security

This blog is a short but informative guide to understanding common web application security risks and threats. It will help organizations understand them in detail and how they protect their IT systems and users from malicious attacks with mitigation strategies and best practices. Web application security can be compromised by sending a corrupted email, which can effectively result in massive data loss.

What is Web Application Security?

The process of protecting websites and web services against different web application security attacks that are capable of exploiting code vulnerabilities is called web application security. Commonly targeted attacks include content management systems, SaaS applications, and database administration tools. 

Importance of Web Application Security

The importance of web application security, also called Web AppSec, lies in the aim of building websites that function as expected, even when they are under attack. The concept works on collecting the security standards and controls that serve as a protection layer for the assets.

Common Web Application Security Risk

Web application hacking poses a significant threat to organizations and individuals, with hacked sites used for various malicious activities. A 2018 study shows common attacks include SQL Injection, Path Traversal, and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and they still remain three top attacks in 2024.

Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

DoS attacks target single servers, while DDoS attacks involve multiple compromised devices, amplifying the impact and complicating mitigation. 

1. XSS (Cross-site Scripting) 2. Remote File Execution 3. Broken Access Control

Key Strategies for Web Application Security

Organizations must ensure their web application vulnerability testing produces easily understandable reports summarizing detected issues. Some application security testing tools include Dynamic Application Security Test (DAST), Static Application Security Test (SAST), Penetration Test, and Rapid Application Self-Protection (RASP)

Best Practices for Web Application Security

Web apps need free traffic movement through different ports and hence require robust authentication. For that, a scanner for web application vulnerability is also important.

1. Build Web Application Firewall (WAF)  2. Promote HTTP Security Headers  3. Secure Session Management  4. Conduct Threat Assessment

How do Moon Technolabs Provide Web Application Security?

Developers and testers at Moon Technolabs have extensive knowledge of attack methods that guide targeted security testing. We recognize the impact of attacks, which aids risk management, and prioritize remediation based on severity.